Helena Wiercińska, Żukowo, 14 December 2020
It’s May 1978, my son Grzegorz (four-and-a-half years old) developed chronic uremia. He was saved, the doctors said the chances were 1 in 1000. After returning from hospital, I sought help. My neighbour told me that there was a man who could help me. She gave me Dr Podbielski’s address, which she had from her family in the United States. I wrote to Dr T. Podbielski and received a card with information, which I have kept until today. I took the train to get there with my child. At about 9:00 Dr Podbielski welcomed us at his house – there was a large group of us (15–20 people). We were sitting, and Mr Podbielski stood in the centre, and discussed the effects of Tp1 and Tp2. I brought Tp1 and Tp2 home and would give them to my son in addition to his medications. Now my son has turned 47 and has never suffered from the recurrence of the disease. About 30 years ago my son (the same one) had enlarged cervical lymph nodes. The doctor used an antibiotic, but it didn’t help much. I talked my son into Tp2 compresses and he recovered after a few days. So far the disease has not recurred. Two years ago, my daughter, aged 42, had a baby (healthy), but had malignant tumours on both ovaries. After both surgeries, she returned home. She had chemotherapy. I used Tp1 and Tp2, and for now her health is good enough for her to take care of the baby. She has given this website address to all her friends and people in need.