
Renata Gryciuk, Szczecin, 21.10.2020

Admittedly, I did not know Dr. Podbielski, but my grandmother did. She used to go to the doctor for micronutrients back when they could not be ordered online. My grandmother has been taking them all her life, and so has my mother. My grandmother is 85 and feels great for her age. I have been taking them on an occasional basis unfortunately. I am currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. I have been taking micronutrients regularly and in large quantities since last December. I haven't given up on conventional medicine treatment, and at the moment I'm in the middle of chemotherapy. I am taking red chemo in cycles every 2 weeks, yet I feel great. I have no side effects from chemotherapy. I have great blood results. I know that my mental attitude also does a lot, because I am calm. I know that micronutrients help me a lot and work great with chemotherapy, and I know that they will keep me healthy, among other things. Micronutrients are something I won't part with again for the rest of my life. I will always take them. I think it's great that we have such a medicine. I have already recommended them to many people. Unfortunately, some don't believe and don't take them, and they are also fighting cancer. Some said they would take them after consulting their doctor. And the doctor, of course, said that the patient is not to take anything that is not prescribed by him. I didn't say anything to my oncologist. I believe that this is my business and I have the right to support myself with unconventional medicine in addition to conventional medicine. However, I did not have the courage to give up medical treatment completely. But I know that thanks to micronutrients I will survive this without any side effects and be fully healthy.
Renata Gryciuk

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