Veterinary Life on T. Podbielski, 1966.
Tadeusz Podbielski
Kol. Tadeusz Podbielski was born on March 26, 1903 in Lomza. There, in 1926, he graduated from high school and then entered the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Warsaw University. He received his diploma as a veterinary surgeon. He received it in 1931. Immediately after graduation, he was called up to the army to the one-year Cavalry Officer Cadet School in Grudziądz.
Kol. Podbielski begins his professional work as a district doctor in Piatnica near Lomza, from where he moves to Konin in 1934. He works here until the outbreak of war. Performing his professional duties, Kol. Podbielski makes himself known to the local population not only as a good professional, but also as a social activist. He tries not only to treat animals, but also to heal human relations. From this second side of his activity he is remembered by the residents of Piatnica, especially from Kolno and the surrounding area.
This is because the then local dairy cooperative in Kolno owes its development to his social commitment and energy. Holding the position of chairman of the Supervisory Board, he gathers around it assets, whose work in a short time makes the cooperative grow from bankrupt to one of the largest of its kind in the Bialystok province. Gradually expanding its business activities into the purchase of other crops, the cooperative seriously contributes to the economic revival of the region and the improvement of the livelihood of local farmers.
The outbreak of war interrupts Kol. Podbielski's work in Kolno. Called to the army, he serves as head of the division hospital in the 18th infantry division of the "Narew" group. After being taken prisoner by the Germans, he stays in a prisoner of war camp in Deblin, from where he manages to get out with difficulty, thanks to the efforts of his wife. The Podbielski family then settles in the Radom district, first in Glowaczewo and then in the village of Rogozek. Kol. Podbielski works as a veterinarian. He also services estates created by the Nazis such as Lipie.
At the time, the work of a veterinarian offers great opportunities to provide assistance in saving people and property. Podbielski takes advantage of these opportunities and cooperates with secret military organizations operating in the area.
After the end of the war, the Podbielskis moved to the Western Territories to Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski, where Kol. Podbielski took up the post of district veterinarian, a position he has held ever since.
As he used to do in Kolno, Kol. Podbielski is known not only for his professional activities, but also for his social activities in his district. He is interested in literally all matters of the Miedzyrzecka Land.
For his merits in professional and social work, Kol Tadeusz was awarded the badge "For merits in the development of the Zielona Gora Province" and awarded the Golden Cross of Merit.
Writing about Kol. Podbielski, one must not fail to mention his wife Zofia, who, alongside him, actively participated in underground activities during the occupation, as well as today in Miedzyrzecz sacrificially working socially. She is a councilor of the MRN, chairwoman of the Social Welfare Committee, and president of the Circle of the Society for the Care of Animals. For her work, like her husband, she received a badge "For merits in the development of the Zielonogórskie Voivodeship."