Michal, Olsztyn, 3.09.2024

September 4, 2024 08:35

I'll admit that I started taking Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients as a "dietary supplement" after a friend's recommendation, not expecting specific results. But these came very quickly. I regularly had recurrences of hemorrhoid problems. This coincided with the beginning of taking Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients. Significantly, at that time I was not taking any other medications for the described problem. After literally two weeks, the symptoms completely disappeared without medications dedicated to hemorrhoids. On the occasion of my next recurrence, I intend to introduce Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients again to see if they have a healing effect on my problems. I will certainly share this experience.

F.K., Chobienia, 14.02.2024

15 February 2024 08:36

I developed prostate cancer in 2019. Since 2022, I started taking TP-2. My well-being has changed for the better and I also feel changes in the cancer, the results are very good. Please take still the information that after the scintigraphy in 2019 - which showed some changes, it was performed again in 2023 and it was found as if these changes retreated.

Jan Dobrzyn, Slupsk, 23.01.2024

January 24, 2024 13:55

I have known Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients for more than 20 years, and I have used them many times, buying them by phone call or ordering them by e-mail. I have helped family near and far as well as acquaintances and friends in this way. Currently, I myself am struggling with cancer(malignant cancer) in my liver and it is sad that I do not have next to me those whom I helped. I believe emphatically that if TP-2 was used in hospitals in all wards as a prophylactic "medicine", there would be many more healthy and immunized people. Honor the great discoverer Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski for this miracle drug TP-1 and TP-2 and other products. Jan Dobrzyn

Wojciech Fabjaniak, Wola Pieczyska, 15.07.2023

18 July 2023 16:57

In the 1980s, I benefited from the wonderful idea of Dr. Podbielski, who if I have good news started by bringing cows that were losing weight and giving scanty amounts of milk out of anemia, and also cured a dog from cancer, my mother had breast cancer, lived to 91 years old, died of a stroke, by the way I benefited for a while, while standing in line in May 3 Avenue I had a lot of health problems but for my pesel starting with digits 39 I feel pretty good, as recently as last year I cut 10 m3 of wood on my farm with a chainsaw. This year is a little worse and hence my request for micronutrients I believe in and praise Dr. Podbielski. Wojciech Fabjaniak

CU, 6.07.2023

10 July 2023 09:23

Dr. Podbielski in the 1950s/60s when I grew up in a village near Miedzyrzecz (my pesel begins with 45). I met with the Doctor several times in the 1970s when I developed cancer, from which the Doctor freed me with his preparations and advice. My illness was related to working among organic chemicals that attacked my mouth, neck, groin and upper chest, which manifested as redness with agricultural exudates. The first observations associated with TP1/2 preparations involved the healing of a girl's face burned by hot steam which happened in the late 1950s.
After more than 20 years of peace and quiet, the bone marrow cancer with which I am currently struggling was revealed. As a result of ongoing chemotherapy for about 5 years and a TP2-supported diet, my health has improved, although the damage to my body is reversing slowly. 
Greetings to the Foundation.

Marta, Ukraine, 13.06.2023

13 June 2023 09:11

[The story was translated from Ukrainian to Polish (original text in Ukrainian below).
Hi, I'm Marta and I survived a brain tumor (glioma). This is how it was: I gave birth to a child, after which a genetic disease appeared in me. Oncology affected my musculoskeletal system, I couldn't even change my baby's diaper. Thanks to my husband, who took care of the baby, I had care, but it was not the care of a mother... I am infinitely grateful to my friends who were there for me. One friend surrounded me with her care and recommended TP2 micronutrients, which helped me a lot. The doctors could no longer promise anything, there was no proper treatment, they sent me home to live as a vegetable (but that's not for me). TP2 micronutrients helped me feel human again, take care of my favorite sports and my family... Believe in your spirit. Fight for life. Doctors can't cure everything, but Hope always exists for success.
[Original text]
Привіт,я Марта яка пережила рак мозку(гліома)Це було так:я народила дитину ,після чого в мене виникло генетичне захворювання.Онкологія вплинула на мою опорнорухову систему , я не могла нічого робити навіть дитині памперс поміняти.дякуючи чоловікові за дитиною був нагляд,але то не мамські турботи ....ще безмежно вдячна своїм друзям вони були поряд і Одна із подруг мене загортала своєю турботою і порадила мені TP2 мікроелементи ,вони на мене дуже добре подіяли 🙏🏼 лікарі нічого вже не могли обіцяти ,не було адекватного лікування,відправили додому жити овочем (але то не для мене ) мікроелементи ТР2 допомогли мені відчути знов себе людиною,займатися улюбленим спортом та своєю сім'єю .....вірте в свій дух.боріться за життя.не все лікують лікарі,але Надія завжди є на успіх .

V.I., Krakow, 13.05.2023

13 May 2023 20:03

In 1980, my father, then a 60-year-old person, was diagnosed with melanoma with the need - at best - to amputate his ear. The surgery date was set in three months. Luckily, my mother knew and was taking, admittedly only prophylactically, TP1 and TP2 preparations. Since academic medicine had only so much to offer, Mom decided to convince herself of the spectacular effects of Dr. Podbielski's preparations, known so far from third-party accounts. She immediately proceeded to administer the aforementioned peculiarities orally to her father, in addition, making poultices from the TP2 preparation of the affected area. The lesion took the form of a scab after a few weeks, and one night it fell off without even a trace of its recent presence. Immediately after the joy of my father's return to full health, it was equally priceless to see the amazement on the doctors' faces at such a "smile of fate"!!! Father never again experienced the excesses of oncology and died after a long life, 30 years later, having reached the age of 90. Never enough words of gratitude to Dr. Podbielski, but also to those who continue to this day to ensure that his achievements bear excellent fruit.

Theodosia Swider, 6.03.2023

March 16, 2023 10:08 am

A dozen years ago, I worked with a colleague who contracted cancer and went on sick leave. After six months, she returned to work healthy. She said she recovered by taking TP1 and TP2 preparation. I became interested in this preparation because it can be used prophylactically. I first took TP1 and TP2 and now TP2. I am 70 years old and have never been sick. I feel very well, so I haven't been to the doctor since taking the formula and I don't take any medications. My friends are amazed by my good condition and reliable health. I am sure that it is thanks to TP Preparations.

Stanislaw Szukalski, Poznan, 1.03.2023

March 2, 2023 14:02

When I had a very high/high CRP for a long time I started taking TP2. After about 2 weeks of taking it, there was a definite improvement in the results. I also had a huge iron deficiency, high PSA...ect. Now I'm doing it prophylactically! I think we can erect monuments of gratitude to the late Dr. Podbielski...those who are ill know very well what we owe him!

Adam Sznapka, Katowice, 26.02.2023

March 2, 2023 13:59

I wanted to present here, my account of my knowledge of the subject of TP1 and TP2 and the person of Dr.T.Podbielski. So...a friend of mine had cancer in the knee area, circa 1979-1982 (I don't remember the exact date) and a scheduled amputation of the leg in the groin area to eliminate the risk of metastasis. My mother read in the magazine "Fairy" about Dr. T. Podbielski and his (not authorized by the state) drug, which contributed to the recovery of hundreds of patients.Mother forwarded the article to the parents of a colleague ... They went to the address indicated,q in a telephone conversation, met with Mr. Tadeusz, described the problem and then received 2 vodka bottles with stick-on patches, on which were written the letters T.P.1 At the suggestion of Dr. Podbielski, they got him a plaster cast for his leg. I remember how after several days he said that the cast became loose, that he felt as if the swelling disappeared... He took it for 3 weeks and when he went to the hospital the doctors were stunned. There was no trace of the disease at all.I witnessed these events as a teenage kid, but the situation shocked me so much that I still remember the name of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski and 2 specifics TP1 and TP2 .At that moment, from the article in the newspaper and what I learned, it seemed that the guy had a doctorate in veterinary medicine and during his work, walking around the houses in the 60-70s, he noticed something that escaped everyone. Namely, wherever domesticated animals got sick and were unwell, people got sick too, and in appearance were worse than others. He wondered what was the reason, and as people, in order to survive (in terms of food) often used what their land yielded, so he began to study the land and groundwater. Over the years, but also during many studies, he discovered what people lacked for a long and healthy life, exactly like those he could compare during his practice. He came to the conclusion that the guarantor of health is a strong body, whose foundation is micronutrients (in the right proportions, of course)! I do not want to bore you here , but the topic needs to be passed along , for the sake of many sick people. I remember the stories (because that's the only way the thought used to move - there was no net!) that in the communist era, oncologists would get him individual elements so that he could make this his medicine based on micronutrients, because it was invaluable even in hopeless cases!!! I was telling about it ,to my wife who had a lump in her breast under control and I was touched to type it in the internet search engine and...I found it! Therefore, whenever I heard that someone has health problems I would refer them to familiarize themselves with this subject, sending such a person a biographical note of Dr.T.P. and also a description of the drug and the website where it can be purchased,which 40 years ago,was not feasible. I recommend using this alternative because I know what I am writing about. In addition, when I told my wife about this specific, she wondered about her breast lump, which had been controlled (admittedly by doctors) for 15 years...We managed to order it...we both took it prophylactically. Spouse after 2 months noticed in the bath that the lump is no longer there. A similar story happened with the mother of her colleague from work and with my mother's neighbor...I recommended all of them to familiarize themselves with the subject and take this specific, and in each case the effect was fantastic, because they all recovered!!! PS.I have communicated with these people and the subject of this drug for many years, so I can assure you that I have seen the effects myself with my own eyes and that these are not hearsay and blown stories. I am sending you a website where you can learn more and purchase this medicine. And yes, although for obvious reasons, for which probably responsible is "big pharma". I would say that I consider TP to be a cure, as several of my friends have been cured by taking it, and a childhood friend is now working and living in Germany, dancing, skiing and happy to walk everywhere on his own two feet.