
Let him heal, 1991.

Saturday, June 22, 1991
Polar Star
Let him heal

Original article at the bottom.

This is the story of a man who has devoted forty years of his life to helping sick people on whom official medicine has often put a cross. This, too, is a story of how an all-powerful bureaucracy tied to established patterns of thinking can nullify someone's many years of effort and condemn them to environmental ostracism.

He has been written about many times - not always in a thoughtful and responsible manner. Printed - years ago - in "Gazeta Zielonogorska" the article "Who are you Dr. P", whose author did not keep his word and revealed the name and address of the hero of the publication caused that the house of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski in Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski began to be besieged by crowds. Heavily ill people stood at the doors and windows day and night, begging for help. The micronutrient preparations applied by Dr. Podbielski not only brought him fame, but also brought him serious trouble. One day - it was just twenty-five years ago - a police team showed up at his apartment. They seized more than a thousand letters of thanks from patients, as well as Dr. Podbielski's thick briefcase with his personal notes

For several months, the prosecutor and MO officers went out of their skins to find evidence in the pile of correspondence and other records that a provincial veterinarian, helping people selflessly (he charged only for the preparation), had harmed his patients, which would make it possible to bring him to justice. Such evidence was lacking. Nonetheless, the prosecutor drew up an indictment, initiating a series of trials against the "knower", whom he imposed that he was practicing his business without the authority provided by the Law on the Medical Profession `. Fortunately, the courts have shown much more common sense and ordinary human sensitivity in this case. Decisions were made acquitting the accused and discontinuing the proceedings against him.

What remains to this day for Dr. Podbielski is mainly the gratitude of patients and the support of enthusiasts like him from the medical community. For the Ministry of Health, for the experts on the Drug Commission, he remains only a :senile stubborn horse man" - as one ministry official was kind enough to put it in a private conversation with a reporter seven years ago. This is how the man who received an official patent in 1977 for his micronutrient preparations described as a biogenic stimulant was treated for many years and continues to use them today for the benefit of patients.
Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's great adventure with micronutrients, and later the passion of his life, began after World War II. He had a beautiful occupation record at the time, helping prisoners of war escape from the camps.

In 1945, as. a veterinarian, he was posted to the Western Territories to organize the state veterinary service there. The district was a vast 70 kilometers from north to south and 30 from east to west. People were drawn here from all parts of Poland.
He soon observed a strange and disturbing thing at the same time: in some villages the cattle did not want to eat even the beautiful grass, and in the winter, even though they were lying in hay up to their ears, they got thin and died of hunger. Elsewhere, for that matter, they devoured even the stumps and rotten rags. Many animals died, and the use of available remedies had no effect. To make matters worse, people were also getting sick in these areas. - It oppressed me," he mentioned years later. - I wondered how to prevent it. And then it occurred to me that the local soil must be lacking something.

In 1950, he took samples of soil, grass, hay and water. Tests conducted at the Institute of Cultivation and Fertilization in Poznan confirmed his suspicions. No cobalt was found in the samples provided, and other elements were also absent. This prompted Dr. Podbielski to administer copper preparations to the cattle, but the improvement was not satisfactory. He finally obtained cobalt - considered toxic at the time and not used in medical treatment. He tested the prepared solution on himself. He was seconded by his wife, a faithful companion in life and work. Just the right dose!

He started testing on animals. And lo and behold, a miracle happened. Horses, cows, pigs and sheep regained their appetite, gained weight, in the case of cows their milk yield improved significantly. At the same time, he observed that in homesteads where animals were ill, people also became infirm, children were retarded in their development. If the preparation helped animals, why shouldn't it help humans?

Two cases were decided; which he remembers exactly to this day. One day he went to the call of a farmer whose cow had broken her leg. Examining her, not for the first time, he confronted that the animal had very brittle bones - meaning the body lacked calcium and phosphorus. After making a "bandage" he looked into the apartment, where he saw a three-month-old sick child with wrinkles like an old man's, emaciated with fever, vomiting. His mother had long complained of severe headaches, and there was also constipation. The body was apparently poisoned; it lacked the ingredients necessary for proper metabolism. He said to himself: it's hard to risk-physician, and prescribed TP-1 micronutrients. The improvement in the health of the baby and mother was marked after just a few days, and, more importantly, proved to be permanent.

He then treated a military man's dog with micronutrients, who brought his female dog to him with the intention of putting her to sleep. She had a tumor on her nipple the size of a goose egg. Podbielski suggested waiting with the lethal injection, instead giving the wolf dog a dose of micronutrient preparation in water for a while. After a week, the dog "came to life," and the tumor visibly shrank. A section taken showed that it was a malignant tumor. It was then that the paramedics persuaded Dr. Podbielski to go to the seriously ill woman.

The entry in her hospital chart read: "Carcinoma Corporis Uteri" - cancer of the uterus. The woman no longer rose from her bed; she suffered sharp pains and moaned loudly. Previous radiation treatments had proved ineffective. Deeply moved by the misfortune, the veterinarian persuaded the household members to dissolve a certain dose of micronutrient preparation in the water given to the patient. After just three days of taking TP-1, the patient began to get up on her own, and the pains soon subsided. She was still alive - this is certain news, thoroughly verified 17 years, busily tending to the farm. As a veterinarian, he had no right to treat people. So he wanted to confront the matter with medicine, to legalize, his business. He hoped that he would be able to achieve his goal, since he did not profit from it. He only wanted what he had arrived at to serve humanity. But official medicine didn't flinch from extending a hand toward him.

He didn't know how to get the whole thing off the ground. Even his doctor-surgeon friend found the matter difficult. However, he helped reach the Institute of Oncology in Warsaw. - There the answer was," recalls Dr. Podbielski, "that they could not test on patients an agent that had not been tested on mice, rabbits, etc. And that's where it stood.

Then there was a real chance to break the impasse. The hopes associated with it were all the greater because there were more and more cases of recovery - after using the micronutrient preparation. Observations proved, for example, that the salts of trace elements prescribed by Dr. Podbielski had a beneficial effect on overall metabolism, proving helpful in anemia, gastrointestinal disorders and many other ailments. In the study "Beneficial results of micronutrients in animals and humans," he exhaustively documented and presented sixteen such cases. Official medicine, however, still rigorously defended the veterinarian's entry into territory reserved only for her.

And that's when the aforementioned shadow of a chance appeared. Since all cancer patients reporting to him, Dr. Podbielski - prescribing his preparations - absolutely ordered parallel treatment at the institute of oncology, sometimes even forced them to do so under the threat of refusing to provide micronutrients. (At that time, a second preparation, TP-2, stronger and enriched with more ingredients, had already been created) several patients from Gliwice, who had previously suspended therapy at the local Institute of Oncology, under the influence of the "quack" took it up again. The doctors to whom they reported could not hide their surprise. They were convinced that these patients were long dead (their files had been shelved). In turn, when they heard about the doctor from Miedzyrzecz taking micronutrients, they sent him a letter inviting him to cooperate. It was signed by the then director of the Oncology Department in Gliwice, Dr. J. S. Unfortunately, this time too it ended in nothing.

Although Podbielski was assured of support ("Please, doctor, do not convince us of your method; we are convinced of it by the example of our patients"), the matter soon came to a standstill, as it was recognized that the preparation needed to be thoroughly tested first, and the clinic had difficulties in obtaining cobalt, copper and iron salts in the so-called pure form. In turn, in the end, it turned out that suitable conditions were lacking for the study. A similar fiasco ended in cooperation with the Endocrinology Clinic of the Medical Academy in Lodz. where experiments were initially agreed to, but later abandoned.

From letters to Dr. Podbielski: "I received a set of Mr. Doctor's solutions last July from a friend with whom I lived in one room in a sanatorium...I was very seriously ill with heart disease and blood pressure. I had two strokes...I went through heart attacks several times, the ambulance took me to the hospital. I lay in the resuscitation room. Since I've been using TP-1 and TP-2 solutions, I haven't had a single heart attack, and my blood pressure remains normal."

"It has been a long time since I visited the Doctor with my husband and cousin. We are taking the formula and there are already big improvements in our health, which we are very happy about. We also drink nettle and oat straw, which contain natural cobalt. Being at Mr. Doctor's and seeing what processions of sick people haunt you, we had tears in our eyes. You are a noble man and do so much good for the sick people who need your help." (correspondence from Canada).

From the justification of the verdict of the Provincial Court in the case of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski, accused of using unauthorized paramedical practices in violation of the law on the medical profession - a verdict by which the court dismissed the prosecutor's review of the earlier ruling of the district court, discontinuing the proceedings. In an era when there are still no reliable and effective anti-cancer agents, and the agent in question has not yet been legalized - it helps, the provincial court does not find the defendant guilty, despite the lack of medical authorization... In discontinuing the proceedings, the first instance court was guided by, among other things. that the accused acted disinterestedly, not demanding payment for the preparations used, that he was guided by humanitarian motives, believing that the drugs he used bring relief to people, for which he had evidence in the form of numerous letters of thanks from patients... The case of the use of micronutrients and their effect on the growth of tumors is open, and that there are grounds for scientific examination of the hypotheses of the veterinarian, T. Podbielski. If, in this situation, the micronutrients applied to the patients brought them relief (vide testimonies of witnesses and numerous letters of thanks, and even prescriptions issued by doctors for specifics produced by the accused....

If the treatment of these patients was supported by experiments on animals, then it is difficult to assume that the defendant's action contains such a degree of social danger that it requires his victimization. It is also difficult to agree with the assertion of the prosecutor's review that the high harmfulness of the defendant's act is due to the fact that the patients, using the means applied by T. Podbielski, avoided hospital treatment. The property of a sick person ... in addition, a cancer patient, is to protect his health by all means available to him. Since people who were incurably ill reported to the accused and obtained even a temporary improvement after using his remedy, it is difficult to assess the attitude of the accused as worthy of condemnation by criminal law.

This wise and far-sighted verdict, putting an end to the repression Dr. Podbielski had attempted to undergo, came in 1968.

So what, in fact, are - let's ask - Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients?

The simplest way would be to say that it is not a drug, but just a biogenic stimulant, which strengthens the body's defenses and has an inhibitory effect in the case of infections and viral diseases (with inoculative hepatitis, for example, the treatment takes an average of several weeks, while if it is combined with the administration of TP preparations, the period can be reduced to 10 - 14 days).

When Dr. Podbielski began using his preparations, watching as retarded children's teeth erupted, bone breakage reversed and they began to walk, he became convinced that he was dealing with a closed cycle: soil - fodder - cattle - food - human. Forty years separate him today from that moment. Years of hope, of hard work, during which he "hit the ground running" at numerous clinics and medical celebrities, soliciting comprehensive studies that could confirm the effectiveness of cobalt salts. Among other things, he proposed conducting them in areas where cobalt is deficient, to add it to table salt, as is done with iodine. He heard that research on iodine took 20 years....
Limited by nature, he undertook laboratory research at his own expense. The results indicated the effect of trace amounts of cobalt on prolonging the survival of mice loaded with spontaneous tumors. Mice given a cobalt salt solution did not lose weight and showed normal motility until the end of their lives. Other experiments indicated that Dr. Podbielski's preparations clearly affect oxido-reduction processes, a fuller blood supply and this "better" blood supply thanks to which the body's fight against the disease plaguing it becomes more effective.

Particularly noteworthy are the studies of the preparations of T. Podbielski undertaken years ago at the Department of Human Physiology of the Institute of Biological Sciences in Warsaw. During them, experiments were carried out on one hundred and fifty mice. Rodents that had previously been administered cobalt chloride - after isolation in tightly closed cages lived fourteen minutes, while the others lived only nine minutes.

In the early 1970s, Tadeusz Podbielski defended his doctoral thesis on micronutrients precisely at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Agricultural University in Wroclaw. However, this in no way facilitated his efforts to introduce his preparations into the arsenal of modern medicine. He is now reaching 90 years of age, which necessarily limits his activity. Still, to the best of his ability and strength, he tries to meet the needs of those who suffer.

The quirky and stubborn veterinarian from Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski, one of the most interesting and prominent figures in the history of Polish natural medicine - an indisputable thing, he helps people. This is evidenced by letters from patients notifying him of improvements in their health, which are not infrequently accompanied by clinical test results. Of course, this does not mean that TP preparations are "good for everything." No specific has been found, so far, to be a panacea for every disease. On the other hand, however, the fact remains that TP-1 and TP-2 have helped many patients. That's why it's regrettable that the battle for their official therapeutic certification, which has been bought with great effort, is still not over.


Polar Star Newspaper

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