
P. Dobrzyn, Slupsk, 24.11.2020

After checking the effect of TP on my own body I recommended it for family and friends, so as not to write too much, I will describe a very peculiar case. It so happened that my uncle underwent prostate surgery, as it turned out after the operation that it was a malignant cancer - melanoma, when his son told me about it during a telephone conversation I got very worried, because my uncle was only 62 years old at the time. Thinking little, I rushed to help by providing him with TP, being in the hospital in the company of his son we spoke with the head of the ward, who announced to us that this was the last stage of cancer and there was neither a cure nor a doctor who could cure my uncle. After three days my uncle was discharged home and immediately started taking TP, which immediately had a very positive effect on his well-being and my uncle began to recover, when I visited him after 6 weeks, he was very happy and content, he looked like a completely healthy person, but unfortunately the cancer had already wreaked havoc on his body and my uncle died twenty months after taking TP. I would like to mention that my uncle stopped the painkiller morphine after four months, when he met the doctor who performed the aforementioned operation after three or four months, he was shocked at how it happened that he was alive. Regarding my person who used TP, I will say this much I had a cancer operation on the liver(malignant) in 2018, the effect of carrying hepatitis implanted virus - C in 1989, knowing this six months earlier I used TP-2, which had a very good effect, because just three days after such an important operation I was discharged from the hospital, without any leakage from the wound(length.more than 30 cm). I did tests for cancer markers, which were negative, now I take TP prophylactically intermittently. Over these 20+ years, I have brought in a great deal of TP for family and friends, who have been very satisfied with its use. I believe TP should be used in all hospitals as micronutrients to strengthen the body before and after surgery. Well, I have known micronutrients for more than 20 years, moreover, I have used them thanks to which I am still alive today and remain physically fit, despite my age of 67 I still work running a business in the difficult construction industry. I confirm emphatically that micronutrients have helped and continue to help me in my daily life. During these 20 years I have been sick with many diseases, but it was only due to improper treatment by doctors, including bronchitis and pneumonia, which caused me to flush out the body's immune system, a consequence of frequent illnesses. After logically thinking through these troubles, I came to the conclusion that my health and life were at risk in order to gain knowledge for other protection besides chemical medicine used inappropriately by many doctors. By chance, I learned that there are some micronutrients that cleanse and support the body, so thinking little I proceeded to act, which brought me unexpected results.
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