
CU, 6.07.2023

Dr. Podbielski in the 1950s/60s when I grew up in a village near Miedzyrzecz (my pesel begins with 45). I met with the Doctor several times in the 1970s when I developed cancer, from which the Doctor freed me with his preparations and advice. My illness was related to working among organic chemicals that attacked my mouth, neck, groin and upper chest, which manifested as redness with agricultural exudates. The first observations associated with TP1/2 preparations involved the healing of a girl's face burned by hot steam which happened in the late 1950s.
After more than 20 years of peace and quiet, the bone marrow cancer with which I am currently struggling was revealed. As a result of ongoing chemotherapy for about 5 years and a TP2-supported diet, my health has improved, although the damage to my body is reversing slowly. 
Greetings to the Foundation.
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