P. Dobrzyń, Słupsk, 24 November 2020

19 marca 2021 12:40

After checking the effect of TP on my own body I recommended it to my family and friends. So as not to write too much, I will describe a peculiar case. So, my uncle had an operation on his prostate. After the surgery it turned out that it was a malignant cancer – melanoma; when his son told me about it during a telephone conversation I was very worried, because my uncle was only 62 atthat time. Not thinking much, I rushed to help by providing him with TP. While in the hospital, accompanied by his son, we talked to the head of the ward, who told us that it was the last stage of cancer and there was neither medicine nor a doctor who could cure my uncle. After three days my uncle was discharged from hospital and immediately started taking TP, which immediately had a very positive effect on his mood and my uncle started to recover. When I visited him after 6 weeks he was very happy and satisfied, he looked like a completely healthy man, but unfortunately the cancer had already ravaged his body and my uncle died twenty months after taking TP. I would like to mention that my uncle stopped taking morphine after four months. When he met the doctor who had performed the surgery three or four months earlier, he was shocked that my uncle was alive. As far as I’m concerned, as I also used TP, I will just say that I had a surgery for a liver cancer (malignant) in 2018, which was a result of being infected by hepatitis C virus in 1989. Knowing about it half a year before, I applied TP-2, which had a very good effect, because just three days after such major surgery I was discharged from the hospital, without any discharge from the wound (which was longer than 30 cm). I underwent some tests for cancer markers which were negative, I currently take TP as a preventive measure, intermittently. Over these 20 years I have brought very many TP products for my family and friends, who were very pleased with their effects. I believe that TP should be used in all hospitals as a product that strengthens the body before and after surgery. Well, I have known the microelements for over 20 years, moreover, I have used them, and thanks to that I am still alive and physically fit, despite the fact that I’m 67 and I still work running a business in the difficult construction industry. I can definitely confirm that microelements have helped and continue to help me in my daily life. I’ve had many illnesses in those 20 years, but that was only due to improper treatment by doctors. They include bronchitis and pneumonia, which caused my body’s immune system to be flushed out as a result of my frequent illnesses. After analysis of those problems, I came to the conclusion that my health and life were at stake and I needed to gain knowledge about other forms of protection besides the chemical medicine which was used in the wrong way by many doctors. I accidentally found out that there are some microelements that cleanse and support the body, so without thinking much I started to act, which brought unexpected results.

Urszula Osińska, Świdnica, 18 November 2020

19 marca 2021 12:40

Dr Podbielski’s microelements have been in our family for over forty years. My mother, who suffered from hypothyroidism, hypertension and heart disease, as well as my eldest sister who had breast cancer, took them. I use them occasionally, but there was a moment when I recovered thanks to Dr Podbielski’s products. It was 1990 and I was supervised by an oncology clinic for a few months due to initially harmless breast lumps. I was on hormone treatment, which not only didn’t work, it also exacerbated the situation so much that I developed a ghastly soreness in my right breast. I could not move my arm and the pain radiated up to my shoulder, paralysed the intercostal area and reached under my shoulder blade. I then ordered Dr Podbielski’s cobalt ointment. I applied it regularly and felt relief after a fairly short time. I was afraid to discontinue the product, even though the smell was odd and the ointment stained my underwear permanently – I couldn’t wash it and I had to throw it away. However, once, when I wanted to order it, it turned out that the ointment was no longer available. Over time, I found that the healing effect was permanent and I didn’t need to use the cobalt ointment. The pain went away and has not returned. To this day I am grateful to Dr Podbielski, because I know that I owe him my health.

Urszula Osińska, Świdnica, 18.11.2020

19 marca 2021 12:40

Mikroelementy doktora Podbielskiego są obecne w naszej rodzinie od ponad czterdziestu lat. Zażywała je moja mama, która cierpiała na niedoczynność tarczycy, nadciśnienie i chorobę serca, jak również moja najstarsza siostra, która miała raka piersi. Ja używam je sporadycznie, ale był moment, kiedy dzięki preparatom dr Podbielskiego doszłam do zdrowia. Był 1990 rok i od paru miesięcy byłam pod opieką poradni onkologicznej z powodu początkowo niegroźnych guzków piersi. Stosowałam kurację hormonalną, która nie dość, że nie przynosiła spodziewanych rezultatów, to jeszcze na tyle zaogniła sytuację, że pojawiła się upiorna bolesność prawej piersi. Nie mogłam ruszyć ręką a ból promieniował aż do ramienia, paraliżował okolice międzyżebrowe i dochodził pod łopatkę. Zamówiłam wtedy maść kobaltową dr Podbielskiego. Smarowałam się regularnie i po dość krótkim czasie poczułam ulgę. Bałam się odstawić preparat, pomimo tego, że zapach był specyficzny, a maść brudziła trwale bieliznę, której nie dało się wyprać i trzeba było ją wyrzucać. Jednak przy którymś z kolei zamówieniu okazało się, że już nie ma tej maści w ofercie. Z czasem przekonałam się, że efekt uleczenia jest trwały i nie muszę maści kobaltowej używać. Ból ustąpił i nie powrócił. Do dziś jestem wdzięczna doktorowi Podbielskiemu, bo wiem, że zawdzięczam mu zdrowie.

Łukasz Osiński, Świdnica, 18.11.2020

19 marca 2021 12:40

Chciałbym opowiedzieć historię mojej Cioci, która zmarła 5 lat temu niedługo po swoich 60 urodzinach. Nie mała jeszcze trzydziestu lat, gdy okazało się, że ma guza piersi. Przeszła oszczędzającą operację polegającą na wyłuskaniu zmiany nowotworowej, ale szukała też sposobu na zapobiegnięcie nawrotom, czy zezłośliwieniu zmian. Dowiedziała się wówczas o mikroelementach dr Podbielskiego. Jak opowiadała później do stosowania mikroelementów przekonał ją “kaszak – taka grudka pod skórą wśród włosów”, który nie dawał się wycisnąć żadnymi sposobami. Po tygodniowej kuracji ów kaszak został jak gdyby wypchnięty na zewnątrz i dał się z łatwością usunąć. Ciocia piła mikroelementy, oklepywała ciało, a bywało, że robiła coś w rodzaju irygacji. Jednak nie przestrzegała zaleceń doktora i wciąż paliła papierosy. Po prawie piętnastu latach sprawa nowotworu wróciła. Okazało się, że ma bardzo agresywną postać raka piersi. Przeszła mastektomię, radioterapię i później brała jakieś tabletki. Wciąż stosowała mikroelementy. Po dziesięciu latach przy kolejnej wizycie kontrolnej Ciocia upomina się o receptę na owe tabletki, bo jej powiedziano, że już je będzie brała do końca życia. Lekarz ze zdziwieniem stwierdza, że stosuje się je maksymalnie do trzech lat. Według lekarzy Ciocia nie powinna żyć dłużej niż owe trzy lata, a przeżyła jeszcze ponad siedemnaście lat.

Łukasz Osiński, Świdnica, 18 November 2020

19 marca 2021 12:40

I would like to tell the story of my aunt who passed away five years ago, shortly after her 60th birthday. She was in her late twenties when she was diagnosed with a breast tumour. She underwent salvage surgery to remove the neoplastic lesion, but she was also looking for a way to prevent recurrence or malignancy. She then found out about Dr Podbielski’s microelements. As she later said, she was convinced to use microelements because of a “cyst – a lump under her scalp among the hair” which could not be squeezed out by any means. After a week’s treatment, it was as if the cyst had been pushed out and it could be easily removed. My aunt would drink microelements, pat her body, and sometimes she would do some kind of irrigation. However, she did not follow the doctor’s recommendations and continued to smoke. After almost fifteen years, the cancer issue returned. It turned out she had a very aggressive form of breast cancer. She underwent a mastectomy, radiation therapy and then took some pills. She continued to use microelements. Ten years later, during a follow-up visit, my aunt asked for a prescription for these pills because she had been told she would be taking them for the rest of her life. The doctor was surprised as they are used for a maximum of three years. According to the doctors, my aunt should not have lived more than those three years, but she survived more than seventeen years.

Jan Dobrzyń, Słupsk, 12 November 2020

19 marca 2021 12:40

I have known and used TP-2 microelements for over 20 years. I recommended them to my family. It’s thanks to them that my uncle recovered from melanoma in the last stage (that’s what the attending doctor stated), like many other people to whom I recommended the microelements and who used them. In my opinion such microelements should be used by all doctors in hospitals, we would be a much richer country and much healthier. I recommend them on my full responsibility.

Jan Dobrzyń, Słupsk, 12.11.2020

19 marca 2021 12:40

Od ponad 20 lat znam i stosowałem mikroelementy TP-2, poleciłem rodzinie, to dzięki nim mój stryj przeżył będąc chorym na raka czerniaka w ostatnim stadium(tak stwierdził lekarz leczący) jak i wielu innych osób którym poleciłem i zastosowali. W moim odczuciu takie mikroelementy powinni stosować wszyscy lekarze w szpitalach, bylibyśmy o wiele bogatszym krajem i o wiele zdrowszym, polecam z pełną odpowiedzialnością.

W.E., Kalisz, 9.11.2020

19 marca 2021 12:39

W roku 1982 mając 31 lat zachorowałem na raka złośliwego (w tamtym czasie był to praktycznie wyrok). Po operacji dowiedziałem się od pewnej osoby o preparatach dr. Podbielskiego.Udałem się do Międzyrzeca na ul.Staszica 8.Pan dr. prowadził coś w rodzaju prelekcji na temat TP1 i TP2 no i oczywiście o szkodliwości palenia tytoniu i o sposobach zdrowego żywienia.Do swojego pokoju zapraszał po 30-40 osób. W drugiej kolejności udało mi się wejść. Zakupiłem preparaty (wtedy kosztowały 5 zł, a pan dr. prosił by przy następnej wizycie przywieźć puste buteleczki po zastrzykach) i zacząłem je używać zgodnie z zaleceniami. Korespondowałem z panem dr.informując go o stanie zdrowia. Po 4 m-cach udało mi się dostać do szpitala w Poznaniu na ul. Garbary na radioterapię. Zażywając te preparaty ( już tylko TP2) przeszedłem wszystkie zabiegi pomyślnie. Po 27 lampach ( bomby kobaltowej . Byłem bardzo wycieńczony i słaby. Używając preparaty dochodziłem szybko do sił i wracałem do zdrowia.W roku 1994 dostałem przerzut w okolicy lędźwiowej. Po zabiegu w Poznaniu wróciłem do domu.W dalszym ciągu przyjmowałem preparaty i szybko wracałem do zdrowia. Na kolejnych badaniach kontrolnych okazało się, że rak złośliwy, który mnie zaatakował przeszedł na postać łagodną. Do dzisiaj nie mam żadnych złych objawów i preparaty przyjmuję nadal.
Następnym przykładem dobroczynnego działania preparatów pana dr. Podbielskiego jest historia zdrowia mojego młodszego syna. Mój syn jako dziecko ośmioletnie miał skłonności do chorowania na anginę.Zachorował również na zapalenie zatok. Zaczął pić te preparaty i robić inhalacje. Po miesiącu okazało się, że nie ma śladu po zapaleniu zatok i anginy zaczęły ustępować. Obecnie syn ma 45 lat wzrostu 192 cm i wagi ponad 100 kg i to dzięki Bogu i preparatom pana dr. Podbielskiego. Wszystkim polecam preparaty TP-1 i TP-2 dr Tadeusz Podbielskiego.

W.E., Kalisz, 9 November 2020

19 marca 2021 12:39

In 1982, when I was 31, I was diagnosed with malignant cancer (at that time it was practically a death sentence). After surgery, someone told me about Dr Podbielski’s products. I went to Międzyrzecz, to 8, Staszica St. Dr Podbielski gave a lecture on TP1 and TP2 and, of course, on the harmful effects of smoking and on healthy eating. He invited 30–40 people to his room each time. I managed to get in with the second group. I bought the products (at that time they cost 5 PLN, and the doctor asked me to bring empty bottles after injections for the next visit) and started to use them as recommended. I corresponded with the doctor, keeping him informed of my condition. After four months I managed to get into the hospital in Poznań at ul. Garbary to undergo radiation therapy. Taking these products (only TP2 then) I completed the treatment. After 27 lamp treatments (cobalt therapy) I was very exhausted and weak. I recovered fast, using the products. In 1994 a metastasis in the lumbar region was found. After the surgery in Poznań I returned home and continued to take the products and recovered quickly. During the subsequent follow-up visits, it turned out that the malignant cancer that had attacked me had progressed to a benign form. To this day I have no ill effects and I continue to take the products. The story of my younger son is yet another example of the beneficial effects of Dr Podbielski’s products. When he was 8, my son was prone to tonsillitis. He also developed sinusitis. He started to take the products and do inhalations. After a month, I found that there was no trace of sinusitis and the tonsillitis began to subside. At present, my son is 45 years old, 192 cm tall and weighs over 100 kg, and all that thanks to God and to the products of Dr Podbielski. I recommend TP-1 and TP-2 from Dr Tadeusz Podbielski to everyone.

Maria Lilia Mądra, Warsaw, 8 November 2020

19 marca 2021 12:39

My name is Maria Lilia Mądra, I live in Warsaw. At the age of 34 (in 1980) I gave birth to my second child, a daughter. After the labour, when I did a check-up – a pap smear – the test result was unfavourable (3). I had never had any gynaecological problems before. Medications did not help, a sample was taken for analysis, another pap smearshowed no improvement – I was at risk of having my cervix removed. I was devastated. But I recalled a story told to me two years earlier about Dr Podbielski and his microelements that helped (healed) my friend’s mother. I went to Powiśle (where I met Dr Podbielski and his wife) and listened to a lecture on the treatment. I started using TP1 and TP2 microelements – I would drink them and do irrigations. After a very short time there was an improvement. I have used the TP1 microelements every day (unfortunately I don’t have a lot of the preparation left) and the test results have been flawless ever since. In addition, my daughter had a blue and red growth on her hand and on her back after birth. TP-1 microelements helped her a lot, not even the slightest trace remained, and the doctor had already wanted to refer the child to an oncologist. At that time – in the 1980s – in my neighbourhood I met a another mother with a baby in a pram. As I noticed that the child had a large red and blue nose, I recommended a visit to Dr Podbielski. I described the case of my daughter’s recovery as an example. The mother used the TP-2 microelements and the baby’s health improved, and as it turned out, surgery had already been planned. Thanks to the treatment the child avoided it, and the doctors were surprised by such a dramatic improvement. I also recommended the use of TP-1 and TP-2 microelements to my friends (including to a friend who avoided a thyroid surgery, and another friend whose skin cancer regressed) The beneficial effect of the microelements is also confirmed by the fact that after they were used regularly by elderly people (whom I cared for professionally for some time) their health improved significantly. In 2000, a woman under my care had some problems with mobility, she was in a wheelchair. At one of her medical appointments, the doctor decided that her legs should be amputated due to an advanced disease process. I suggested using TP1 and TP2 microelements. The woman’s daughter accepted this solution as a last resort. I rinsed the woman’s legs 2–3 times a day in the prepared solution – her legs were saved. Another case of an elderly person: a man after radiotherapy had oozing wounds on his chest, on the left side of his body – also in this case the patient’s health improved. Another elderly man who had difficulties with walking and leg oedema got help – his legs were no longer swollen, walking was easier. The main reason for the success of the microelements is that they nourish every cell of the body. Patients begin to function better, wounds heal quickly, the body’s immunity increases. The microelement cream was also wonderful, in the 80s to get it you had to supply a stick of butter (everything was rationed then). At the moment I’m using Dr Tuszyński’s silica cream – my complexion is great. I recommend both the microelements and the microelement cream to my family and many friends.