
The Mystery of Dr. P., 1983.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm

Gorzow Land March 18, 1983.
"The Mystery of Doctor P."

Sophia and Tadeusz Podbielski of Miedzyrzecz are already a great and beautiful legend of a noble, wise and hardworking life. Several days ago they celebrated 50 years of marriage. These days Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski, who is famous in the province and the country, is celebrating his 80th birthday. Both are tireless social activists. They actively joined the work of the Patriotic Movement for National Revival. The inventor of sensational peculiarities - micronutrients under the name of TP - has earned the gratitude of countless numbers of those he has helped through illness or saved lives. Both combine kindness of heart and nobility of reason. Kindness towards people and a wise attitude towards public affairs. To the anniversary wishes we add ours: many, many years of health.

Mystery TP, 1983.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm


Secret TP

What does a person who has lost hope of being cured by conventional methods do? He looks for unconventional ones, seeing them as a last resort. They generally do not interfere with the therapy recommended by official medicine, and sometimes support it effectively with the consent and knowledge of doctors. This is the case with the activities of Clive Harris, several native bioenergotherapists, as well as Dr. Tadeusz Pod bielski. The latter also uses his bioenergetic properties to treat patients, but they are not what drives the crowds to his home in Miedzyrzecz. The magnet is micronutrients.
In 1945, veterinarian Tadeusz Podbiel ski (he received his doctorate in 1971) was sent to the Western Territories to organize a state veterinary service there.

-I noticed that the cows brought by the resettlers were breaking their legs, losing weight and even starving to death while standing up to their waist in the juicy grass. This phenomenon occurred with particular intensity in the village of High Birch. I sent soil samples for testing and what turned out.

The doctor shows a yellowed sheet of paper with an analysis from the Institute of Fertilization and Soil Science in Poznan. Copper and cobalt were found to be missing from the soil and only traces of manganese. The missing micronutrients were imported by the doctor and made into medicines. - I could not experiment on cows , because cobalt is a poison. If one had died, I would have been accused of sabotage. After all, it was 1950 - I had to account for every dead cow. So I decided to try it out on myself. My wife saw and in a shout: if we are to die, it's together. Give me one, too. Well, and we didn't die.

On the cows the medicine had a salutary effect they began to gain weight and give more milk. Encouraged by the success, the doctor thought: it helped cattle, it should help people, and looked around the homesteads. And it wasn't good with people either, they had no appetite, women suffered from chronic headaches, children developed late. Repeatedly, the therapy proved successful Dr. Podbielski quickly concluded that micronutrients arm people to fight disease by supplementing normal treatment.

The medicine that patients receive is housed in two tiny bottles: the first contains cobalt salts, the second contains salts of cobalt, iron and copper, magnesium, zinc and others. - The effects vary, the doctor says. - Some people have already expelled stones after just three days, that's how well it works on the kidneys. It improves appetite and digestion, blood, nerves and general well-being. There is an increase in red corpuscles, and therefore oxygen. The more oxygen, the stronger the body is in the fight against disease.

With hypoxia, all kinds of diseases spread, especially arthritis, rheumatism and cancer. Oxygen and iron kill germs. And the medicine dilates the arterioles in the affected areas, allowing increased portions of tle nu into them. There is only one condition: no cigarette smoking.
The doctor considers cigarettes the most dangerous enemy of mankind. And as proof, she presents photos of the offspring of smokers with horrific cancerous tumors. - She smoked during pregnancy and please this is what her child looks like. She is a criminal! Once a young engineer from Wroclaw came to me for a medicine for a 5-month-old baby. They held a christening, and the next day the baby was taken to the clinic moribund. I asked how many smokers were at the party. He counted eight. He invited the immediate family to murder the child! These things need to be talked about loudly, so that everyone knows what awaits them. If someone smokes at home, that one there is no health. There is not and can not be. what does a cigarette do? narrows the blood vessels inhibiting the flow of blood to areas affected by disease. Who does not smoke, does not sit in the smoke, it is as if he smoked.

The drug is used not only for drinking. It can be used to make poultices, inhalations, gargles and irrigations.
- I've had some astonishing cases. A woman from our province after eleven miscarriages had already lost hope for a child She started to drink it, made a few rinses and what? Her daughter is now a high school graduate. In America I have a professor friend who had similar problems. I sent her the medicine and she gave birth to twin girls. One of them graduated in biology.

While in college, she told her professor that she was a child of micronutrients. The university gave her a scholarship and created the conditions to lead to benefits. The results turned out to be sensational.
Dr. Podbielski applied for many years to conduct a similar study in Poland, and finally got down to it himself. He published the results in the Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences and disseminated them at numerous scientific symposia. He continues to do so with great passion to this day, trying to get official medicine interested in the drug.

In 1979, Prof. Koszarowski stated in an interview with "Literature":
"Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski, who conducted research on animals, also has many attestations from people who somehow after could. However, this modest and very reliable man stipulates that when taking micronutrients, official therapy should not be interrupted. Recently, a series of studies on micronutrients was conducted at the Institute of Experimental Biology. It turned out that disturbances in micronutrient metabolism cause immune disorders in the body...."

However, the specialists who examined the drug ruled:
"Creating a precedent (the use of these sub-stances in the clinic) giving confirmation to Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski that these preparations really have therapeutic value and giving, in a sense, 'scientific support' to Dr. Podbielski's actions would open the way for similar cases...."
Meanwhile, news of the miracle cure has spread throughout the country and crowds are drawn to Dr. Podbielski. His fame began with the cure of a dog suffering from cancer. A paramedic who witnessed the -udar treatment with suggested that the doctor take care of his neighbor who was dying of cancer. It worked out this one lived another 17 years. Traveling to Warsaw for check-ups, she told other patients how she had been cured. People started clamoring for the drug, seeing it as a last chance.

In 1956, the press became interested in the drug. A journalist from Głos Wielkopolski was skeptical. Gathering opinions about the doctor's activities, he visited the local party secretary. He asked him what he thought about the veterinarian curing people. - To tell the truth, he and I were helped, the secretary replied - I was treated in Poznan and nothing. Podbielski gave me his medicine and look, Comrade Editor, I am healthy and working.

Press publications were increasing. In 1966, after an article entitled. "Who are you, Dr. P.?", published in the Zielona Gora Gazeta, Mr. and Mrs. Pod Bielske experienced a real invasion. People pushed through doors and windows. The docs retorted to Warsaw. Here the doctor set about writing an elaboration to the Minister of Health. The minister listened, invited him for another interview, but he soon died. Before returning to Miedzyrzecz, the doctor went up to the provincial pro superintendent to ask for such a paper: "For taking Dr. P. to treat people." But the prosecutor refused. In 1967, the doctor heard from the ministry that he was to keep an eye on the cattle and not stick his nose into human affairs - But could I remain just a veterinarian anymore?

A visit to the prosecutor turned out to be prophetic. The doctor's activities attracted the interest of the militia. More than 100 letters from patients at home and abroad were seized, as well as a notebook with the doctor's notes. It took two years of interrogation of the deluded. finally a trial took place. The doctor was accused of treating people and selling drugs without authorization. The doctor did not have a lawyer, he defended himself, or rather he was defended by patients and their letters.

He was acquitted, and the justification for the ruling was a veritable panegyric in his honor, as:
"he acted selflessly without demanding payment for the medicines he used, he was guided by humanitarian motives, knowing that the medicines he used brought relief to people, for which he had evidence in the form of numerous letters of thanks from patients...."

Even doctors gave patients prescriptions for his specifics, and he treated it as an adjunct to the treatment recommended by doctors. He also made no effort to recruit patients.
"It was not his fault that the reporting of sensational news in the press caused a huge influx of people, and not only the uninformed, but those holding high scientific, military and other positions..."

The doctor often finds out that he helped someone only years later. The patient registry is not pro waged, because it is beyond his capabilities. Letters from patients show that the drug is good for everything. However, common sense dictates skepticism: miracle cures do not exist. Letters of thanks, on the other hand, are written by those who have recovered. The rest are silent, and this silent majority speaks, against all appearances, more in favor of the drug. After all, there is no, evidence that the drug has harmed anyone, and the basic principle of medicine is: primum non nocere.

Prof. Julian Aleksandrowicz, speaking in 1975 about the drug, stated in the pages of the People's Daily: Dr. Podbielski honestly presented his drugs to me, proposing to use them for my patients. An analysis of these peculiarities was carried out by the Institute of Forensic Expertise and it showed: that they contain in certain proportions bio-elements like cobalt, zinc; magnesium. Unfortunately, clinical trials could not be carried out because the drugs proposed by Dr: Podbielski did not receive the approval stipulated by the Institute of Medicine for their use in practice.

This seems to be a pity, because I know of several facts, admittedly only from third-party stories - authoritative nonetheless - when Dr. Podbielski's treatment helped, and never harmed.
In my opinion, no initiative that aims to bring relief to the suffering should be condemned, especially when we doctors are powerless. After all, Pasteur wasn't a doctor either, and we know that medicine owes a lot to him."

Associate Professor Stanislaw Grabiec, head of the biochemistry and biophysics laboratory of the Department of Parasitology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, stated in the report "Podbielski's Micronutrients" printed in the Reporter's Express that medicine is not a preparation against specific diseases, but serves to increase the body's immunity. And this is probably the crux of the matter. So why has there been no official interest in the drug until now?

The Polish drug registration system is very strict, and praise for it. The drug must first be tested in experiments with animals, then on randomly selected groups of patients. The tests are so complicated that without the pharmaceutical industry, no clinician will undertake them because it is the industry that evaluates many important parameters of a drug. In the case of micronutrients, it's probably worth the risk of conducting the study.

Dr. Podbielski collects favorable reviews and promises that are later kept, but he does not lose hope. He has turned 80 and is himself an excellent advertisement for his drug. - If I were a medical doctor, the case would probably be different," he says and immediately smiles because TP - the drug that bears his initials also has a good effect on well-being.

Author: Ewa Dobrowolska

In the footsteps of our publications, 1985.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm


In the footsteps of our publications

Where Dr. Podbielski accepts.

After the articles about the treatment with micronutrients, namely Tp-1 and Tp-2 - the invention of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski - the bag spilled over with letters from readers. Dozens of them flowed in.

This is understandable - for Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients are indeed sensational, and everyone - especially the incurably ill, although the action of Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations defies such a term - wants to be healthy. So I understand those readers who ask for Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's address; all the more so because, as Mrs. Genowefa Wojciechowicz of Radom writes, "these publications, so vividly presented, have caused a great impression and hopes of very unfortunate people suffering from cancer diseases...." On the other hand, I cannot agree with those readers who hold it against me that I did not give Dr. Podbielski's address, since I presented his invention so flatteringly.

So let me clarify - I wrote about the treatment with Tp-1 and Tp-2 micronutrients not to make Dr. Podbielski's name famous or to bring him patients; to this Beautiful and Good Man, both are unnecessary. If the doctor is in trouble with anything, it is with the excess of patients who knock on the door of his house. At this point I would like to remind you that a few years ago, after the broadcast of a film report entitled: "Dr. Podbielski's Micronutrients" - which we shot together with editor Grzegorz Dubowski for Warsaw television - Dr. Podbielski for some time received more than seven hundred letters a day! And not only from Poland, from abroad as well. At the time, I had something else in mind than making the doctor's name famous, namely - I wanted to interest the public in Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's invention and, above all, with this fact to interest the Ministry of Health and Welfare, so that the preparations Tp-1 and Tp-2 would be included in the register of medicines, generally available, in every pharmacy and drugstore. This is also what I am asking for today. I won't cite the arguments for such a demand, I did just that in the aforementioned publications about Dr. Podbielski in Peasant Way.

So far, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has not responded either to the articles of other journalists - Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's invention at one time received national press coverage - or to the film report mentioned above, or to my publications in our weekly. I apologize - I expressed myself imprecisely. The answer was silence. In this way, a well-known regularity has been confirmed once again - for which time in a row? A regularity that has been known for years. Here we have at our fingertips an antidote for many diseases, including cancer - which has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of treatment with Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations - and we still can't decide to introduce Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's invention into general use. Instead, we prefer to complain about the terrible state of our medical treatment and demand foreign currency for agents produced abroad. What to call such behavior? And from the letters we received after the publication of articles on the effects of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's micronutrient treatment in the Peasant Way, I have selected one - the most representative - an excerpt of which I take the liberty to quote below. Here is what Mr. Kazimierz Kulas from Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski wrote. Yes, yes - from the same locality where Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski lives and accepts:

In the August 28 issue 35 of Peasant Ways. Year, I carefully read the article "Tp-1 and Tp-2 - or the history of the invention... which restores health" by editor Lech Życki. I also looked at the photos posted there. After reading, some thoughts came to my mind. I have lived in Miedzyrzecz Wlkp. for more than thirty years. I have known Dr. Podbielski and his wife, Sophia, for the same amount of time. Tadeusz Podbielski - is not only the inventor of the drugs Tp-1 and Tp-2, but an extraordinary man who enjoys great authority in the community. The doctor cures tumors, restores health to people disadvantaged by fate; he even cured many such patients, who, as it seemed, could not be saved, and who, after taking Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations invented by him through painstaking, long-term experiments, returned to health. The inventor always stipulates that he is not replacing conventional medicine, but supporting it by strengthening the body and activating its defense forces. I have also seen photos of children horribly tarnished by tumors. Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski attributes these pathological phenomena to, among other things, parents' smoking. And he cited an example of how a healthy and strong child suddenly became severely ill after baptism, and doctors saw no salvation for him. The distraught father drove several hundred kilometers to knock on Dr. Podbielski's door in Miedzyrzecz in the middle of the night.

* And how many people were at the christening? - asked the doctor. - Only eight," replied the distraught father. - Did everyone smoke? - Yes, all of them. - So here we have the cause of severe nicotine poisoning," Dr. Podbielski concluded. - For there are people who are highly allergic to smoke, on some - especially infants - it has a deadly effect. Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski always reminds: whoever smokes, should not come to me for advice, because he poisons his own body... I have had the opportunity to talk to Tadeusz Podbielski more than once. He is a noble, wise, balanced man. He often meets with schoolchildren and gives talks. And he always warns pregnant women: don't smoke cigarettes! Do not kill the life you carry in your wombs! I am also pleased to inform the editors of Peasant Roads that Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski received the Gorzow Land Award in 1984, as the most popular and most deserving citizen of our province. The doctor donated the prize money to the health service in our province. I am also very pleased that it was in "Peasant Way" that articles about Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski were published, to whom I wish much, much health!"

And in conclusion - fulfilling the request of readers I give the address of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski: STASZICA 5, 66-300 MIĘDZYRZECZ WLKP, Gorzów Province. I would also like to inform you that the doctor is neither able to write back to letters - this is beyond his capabilities - nor send preparations by mail. [Information out of date - Dr. Podbielski died in 1994. Micronutrients can be ordered on the site via the form]

I would advise anyone who carries the intention of going to Miedzyrzecz Wlkp to kindly make sure by phone that the doctor has not left. A phone call should be ordered under the doctor's name, as he is such a well-known figure in Miedzyrzecz Wlkp that the local post office will not make issues with the connection. Unfortunately, I am not in possession of the telephone number of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski in Miedzyrzecz Wlkp. First of all, I wish all future patients of the doctor a return to health and all the best.


Their self-portrait, 1986.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm

Their self-portrait

"There are still a lot of beautiful Poles left." With these words, Stanislaw Wyspianski expressed his belief in the moral values of the nation. They were among a number of other quotations, introducing the famous at one time exhibition in Krakow "Poles Self-Portrait". On it, the faces of the strongmen of spirit and deed speak our great, but also complicated history.

The ordinariness and uniqueness of the Polish soul is still the subject of meditation of our generations. After all, its bearers are also contemporary compatriots, how many of them are similar to ordinary gray pebbles lying somewhere by the roadside, which, after rubbing the dust off them, show their noble structure.
That's why I want to talk about a pair of now elderly spouses, Sophia and Tadeusz Podbielski, people close to me, whom I have known for almost a quarter of a century. Has anyone ever seen two trees, growing in symbiosis, trunk by trunk and intertwined at the top with their branches, humming twinly in the sun, and in the rain, and in the silence, and in the gale?

For me, both Podbielskis resemble such a pair of arch-Polish trees, growing together into the Polish soil. The symbiosis is even expressed in a rather unusual, because family-like, platform of ideological agreement. Mrs. Zofia has been loyal to the Democratic Party for years, and Mr. Tadeusz - also for a long time - has been a staunch peasant.

Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski, a Lomza native, comes from an old family. His great-grandfather, according to family accounts, was still standing at Grunwald. His grandfather took part in the January Uprising. Mr. Tadeusz gloriously graduated from veterinary medicine in Warsaw in 1931. Zofia Podbielska, on the other hand, comes from the Mogilnicki family from Ostroleka. Her grandfather - how their life stories coincide - was a participant in the January Uprising.

They met - he and she in 1933, two years after Mr. Tadeusz graduated from the cadet school in Grudziadz. A beautiful event followed in their lives, which has continued without a scuffle to the present day. They married out of great fondness, in which there was nothing of tumultuous flame.

He was a district veterinarian, first in Lomza, then in Kolno, she was a teacher with a deep vocation and fervently devoted to youth.

A flame of creative restlessness was constantly burning in Mr. Tadeusz. He did not limit himself only to his profession. He presided over a cooperative of agricultural casters, and was vice president of the Polish Beekeeping Association. His work bore healthy fruit - at that time people believed in what he was doing.

Suddenly came the worst, ominous thing: war! The mobilization order drafted Mr. Tadeusz into the 18th Division, which was part of the Independent Operational Group "Narew". Sophie the force of feminine forethought found herself in uniform alongside her husband, ranks of the same unit, as a nurse. When SGO "Narew" is broken up both spouses-soldiers reached the Operational Group "Polesie" commanded by General Kleeberg. In it they went through a dramatic combat route, including the battle of Wola Gułowska and the surrender.

Then there was a brief captivity, from which Mrs. Zofia managed to extricate her husband. And still later, they were absorbed in their joint work in the underground, cooperating with soldiers of the K and BCh in the Kielce region. This resulted in the successful assistance of both Podbielskis in freeing 20 Georgians from a prisoner of war camp, in the village of Lipa near Glowaczew. An echo of this episode is the cordial friendship that continues to this day with the still living Georgians, who, full of gratitude, visit Mr. and Mrs. Podbielski every year.

Shortly after the liberation of the old Piast lands, Dr. Podbielski, as one of the first settlers, settled in Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski where he served as district veterinarian for many years. It was there, in Miedzyrzecz, that he invented the formula for his micronutrient preparations to support the human body in the fight against dangerous and debilitating diseases, the source of which is the progressive contamination of the natural environment. There are probably few people who have not heard of Dr. Podbielski's TP-1 and TP-2 preparations.

These concoctions are the long-standing passion and hope of the two Podbielski spouses, fueled by a desire to relieve the suffering. It is also the result of long-term work, numerous experiments, inquiring into the essence of the action of trace elements included in these TPs. On their subject, dozens of professional and popular scientific articles have appeared in the press, not only in our country. Because you can not go indifferently and pretend to be blind to the fact that Dr. Podbielski receives whole hundreds of thank you letters from patients without exaggeration - from all over the world.

I myself have witnessed receiving calls from patients in Madrid, New York and other cities. So the remarkable spouses are united by this common idea. They were and are faithful to each other in making it a reality. This element of creative restlessness prevalent in the doctor's nature, this calmness and balance, and faith in her husband on the part of Mrs. Sophie bring good results.

The Podbielskis know full well that there are people doomed to serious illnesses, and official medicine is not always able to help them. And to all those who are given a few weeks to live by cancer institutes, micronutrients bring a remarkable thing - hope. Dr. Podbielski has in his documentary record - in which there are both well-known names and seals of doctors, hospitals - cases, a truly remarkable reversal of the merciless disease. It is necessary to see those people who pass through the office of Dr.
Podbielski and in Warsaw and Miedzyrzecz! One needs to talk to them to appreciate the full meaning of hope.
The history of the families - and of Mrs. Zofia Podbielska and Mr. Tadeusz Podbielski wrote a common chapter at some point. I still see in both of these people a spontaneous kindness towards all patients. It has never happened to me whenever I visit them to see anyone walk away from the doctor's door without preparations.

And this human warmth, kindness to others provides a beautiful background for their portrait. A self-portrait of two Poles.

Vladimir Olszewski

Drugs of Bitter Hope, 1989.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm

Sea and Land
21.12.1988 - 3.01.1989 r.

Drugs of bitter hope

The Międzyrzec loner is still not giving up.
The effects of nearly forty years of experience
keep his spirits up, though they do not pierce the
the shell of doubt of official medicine.

They gathered in a specially arranged room in the basement. Conspirators of hope. Some came from near Lodz. Some came from Cracow. People also came from Szczecin, Gorzow and Poznan ....
In a moment Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski will enter. He will yell at those who are stuck in the smoking habit. He will say that one must not neglect systematic contacts with the doctor, taking officially prescribed drugs, constant checks at health clinics or hospitals. And then about what his preparations called TP-1 and TP-2 are. What role micronutrients play in the proper functioning of the body and strengthening its immune forces.

And so for nearly forty years. When I spoke to him about the legalization of the preparation in the eighty-second, and his apartment in Miedzyrzecz in Gorzowsk was haunted by crowds of people at almost any time of the day or night, he was still full of optimism. It was optimism as justified as possible by the sensational results of years of experience. Real, often dramatic stories of human suffering that had been alleviated. Diseases for which officially medicine no longer found a chance for a cure, and which - after the application of TP regressed or alleviated. Dozens of press publications, an interesting TV report in the eighty-third. Dozens of thanks and letters coming to the doctor from Miedzyrzecz. Almost all of Poland knows about Podbielski's preparation.

And yet, when I ask him the question again today: what's next? I hear already less optimistic: "Unfortunately, still official medicine is not interested in this, it is difficult to break through. I have rather little hope. Well, still in the medical bulletin in Katowice now appeared an article by docent Kaszuba. Still "Peasant Way" recently wrote about him on the occasion of my 85th anniversary, but officially nothing is happening around the preparation. Maybe now that the Rakovsky government has energetically set to work, something will move? I don't know anymore, and for now - I'm helping people." Letters speak of this help. Those who had little hope for a cure and for whom official medicine was helpless speak out. Also doctors. One of them, Wlodzimierz G. from Lodz, wrote about a case of lung cancer diagnosed in his mother-in-law. She was 71 years old at the time: "I would like to inform you that the medicines recommended by you have proven to be very effective. In our mother .... radiologically there were lesions found in the left lung... Due to old age, bronchoscopy was not performed. After a year of taking the drug, there was a significant improvement in the sense of lowering the OB., improving the patient's appetite and mood. After two years, no changes were found on the lung radiograph. I sincerely thank you for the help shown to the mother..."

Another doctor, Dr. K. He used Dr. Podbielski's preparation in a small oncology hospital. After several weeks, he stated, among other things: "In two cases of gastric ulceration in patients with 15 years of suffering, I found excellent improvement, bordering on recovery, and in a very short time of about three weeks..."

And this has been heard all over Poland. From a TV report entitled. "Dr. Podbielski's Micronutrients," broadcast on December 11, 1983, I noted on the tape a man's statement: "My son attended the fifth grade of elementary school. During a PE lesson they played soccer. He was a goalkeeper, was hit, fell. He lost his eyesight. Complete paralysis of his right arm and right leg. He lost his memory... He got to the eye clinic in Poznan. After which to the clinic on Przybyszewskiego Street. And there it was found - a tumor... Surgery was no longer possible... After another month he lost his sight completely. Discharged from the hospital, it was determined that he would live from three days to a month. After that, we went to Mr. Dr. Podbielski. He came to see us personally... and recommended micronutrients and massages. He personally did these massages, and recommended that we do them as well. I did my son myself during those headaches. Well, and after three months, he regained 40 percent (efficiency - note B.S.) in his left eye, and sixty percent in his right eye. He regained power in his right arm and leg, and could move on his own. We went to the sea and after a month he was already walking on his own. After eight months he went to school, he studied very well..."

People come and talk about "miraculous" healings. From mouth to mouth they give each other real and almost sensational news about how they regained their faith in life thanks to the micronutrients of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Tadeusz Podbielski from Miedzyrzecz. They overcame a disease for which official medicine proved helpless. He himself can show photos, in which on the one hand the leg that was stricken with cancer, and on the other the same - cured limb after several weeks of treatment with TP. Unfortunately, Dr. Podbielski is a humble, provincial veterinarian. He does not have a staff of researchers. He doesn't have a large, officially operating laboratory or his own clinic. Although he is in contact with many people of science and medical practice, although he experiences gestures of "unofficial" recognition from time to time, for almost forty years he has been waging a lonely battle for the approval of the preparation for general use, nothing has yet happened in the case of TP-1 and TP-2 to indicate that at least a serious research machine has been set in motion, as is the case (thanks, among other things, to the mass media) with the well-known preparation of Professor Stanislaw Tolpa of Wroclaw.

But the Interzone loner is not giving up. He is convinced that he is right. The effects of nearly forty years of experience keep his spirits up, even though the positive finale of this struggle seems so distant as to be almost unreal. And it all began after the war, when he and his inseparable life companion, Sophia, found themselves in Miedzyrzecz. A former resident of Lomza (she was also from there), a district veterinarian in that city and later in Kolno, as well as she - a participant in the September campaign, which they both ended in the Battle of Kock, the last battle of that campaign, in the ranks of the independent operational group "Polesie" commanded by General Franciszek Kleeberg, lieutenant of lancers - Tadeusz Podbielski and his wife - here in Miedzyrzecz found their life's haven and opportunity. It was here that the road to success began, with Sophia serving him as a "laboratory guinea pig" in the process.

In 1945, he came to Miedzyrzecz directed by the provincial veterinary office in Poznan to organize a veterinary service here. One of the few professionals in this field at the time. "I came here, like many other settlers from across the Bug River, from Poznañ or Kielce," he said. Already at the beginning of his work he noticed that in some villages, such as Wysoka, Brzoza, Ransko and others, despite the fact that the farmers there had excellent meadows, the cattle were sickly, losing weight and "losing milk yield." He took a closer interest in this phenomenon. He decided to find out the causes. Although he administered all the remedies possible at the time and available, there was no effect. And that's when he came to the conclusion that there must be something missing in the soil. So he took samples of this soil, straw and grass and, with the help of a "willful person," i.e. his wife, sent this to the Institute of Soil Science and Fertilization in Poznan. Sophia Podbielska now says: "And when the result came after a week, we learned that there were serious deficiencies of cobalt, copper and magnesium. My husband searched in various cities for these ingredients, and when he got them, he started making preparations."

These were long and arduous experiments. Their final result - a patent filed with the Patent Office, a secret of the doctor. Sophia Podbielska will say later: :First he tried it on himself. He drank a teaspoon, and so did I. I say that if something should happen to you, I must be with you, Tadzio. In this preparation there was, among other things, Cobalt. Yes, we read that cobalt is toxic and is only used in dyeing. Well, but we drank it for a few days and it turned out that it did not harm us, and in fact - our well-being clearly improved".

One day, a farmer from the village brought a large pig to the census in Miedzyrzecz. She was very emaciated. She was not accepted at the sale. Podbielski bought her for experience. Mrs. Zofia: "I put her in the crib and started giving her food, but the pig didn't want to eat at all. It just lay on its side. The first day I gave her a teaspoon of cobalt in black coffee and poured it into her mouth. The next day more. She began to eat a little at a time, while after a few days she rose. The result was that after a year I had thirteen piglets from her."

To this day, some older local farmers still remember Dr. Podbielski's experience. One of them will say: "We came with cattle, 12 families, but the cattle here were losing weight quickly. We were looking for some kind of remedy. And then Dr. Podbielski brought some medicine of his own and told us to administer it. Already after two weeks a big improvement was visible. In my case, the heifer was two years old and weighed maybe 150 kilos, she didn't grow, only her head was big, she was very skinny. After this medicine she already weighed 500 kilos....

And that, for Dr. Podbielski, was the impetus to keep looking. He thought that if micronutrients help animals, then - perhaps - they will become a lifesaver for people? Once someone got some of the preparation, another time someone else did. "Miracles" began to multiply. They had nothing to do with magic. They were the experimentally verified result of scientific research, inquiries into the relationships of the environment, soil, plants, water and animal and human organisms. Traveling through villages for his practice as an animal doctor, and later also as a human doctor, Podbielski discovered a recurring truth: where he was called to sick animals, people also often became ill. In one village, for example, out of seven mothers as many as six were regular patients of the health center for various female ailments.

He excelled in this knowledge and perfected his preparation... And it did not take long to wait, and the Podbielski apartment in Miedzyrzecz began to be besieged by crowds of people. Those who were helped by the TP preparation and those who, unbeknownst to them, learned about the salutary effects of Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients. There was also a court case about the fact that " ... not having the authorization to treat people," the district court in Miedzyrzecz did not find signs of a crime, and the justification for this judgment was the statement: "It is the property of a sick person to protect his health by all means available to him, and the medicines used by Dr. Podbielski bring relief to the sick, for which he has evidence in the form of numerous thanks from patients, and the results of his research have been published in numerous scientific papers...." The conflict with official medicine then turned out to be an apparent conflict.

This apparent conflict, however, continues to this day. The modest doctor from Miedzyrzecz, Dr. Podbielski, continues to be approached by people from all over Poland, whom traditional medicine can often no longer effectively help, against whom it is helpless. People who believe, and in many cases have personally experienced it, that Podbielski's TP-1 and TP-2 preparations are the last chance for them. That they have repeatedly restored health to those who left hospitals without any hope....

At the same time, Dr. Podbielski says: "I do not cure. TP preparations are not typical medicines. I only supplement the lack in the human body of micronutrients necessary for its proper functioning. It is their lack that is the cause of many diseases of civilization." Just as for one of the pioneers of ecological prophylaxis in Poland, the recently deceased Prof. Julian Aleksandrowicz, also for Dr. Podbielski from Miedzyrzecz - a pioneer of ecological prophylaxis in practical application, working on this issue for nearly 40 years - this problem is one of the key issues of modern medicine.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's TP preparation is often used to save their own health by prominent Polish doctors, politicians, government functionaries, officers, etc., i.e. people who themselves have experienced or are experiencing on themselves the often unusual effects of its action, the modest doctor from Miedzyrzecz, so far, has not managed to get higher with them. Beyond the wall of indifference or dislike, beyond the "Polish hell" of impossibility. Among the few who support his efforts is Associate Professor Stanislaw Grabiec of the Biochemistry and Biophysics Laboratory of the Institute of Parasitology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He told a TV reporter in 1983, among others: "The micronutrients proposed by Dr. Podbielski were the subject of a study in our laboratory. The idea was to see what the physiological activity and physiological tolerance of these preparations is like. It turned out that they have a tremendous catalytic capacity. This is important because in the respiratory processes of each cell, the so-called respiratory cycle enzymes play a decisive role.

Enzymes are always proteins, so they are easily inactivated, poisoned, while the preparations proposed by Dr. Podbielski are small molecules and are not inactivated. They easily penetrate cell walls. Their activity is much higher than enzymatic activity. This was a big surprise to us. We tested this with very sophisticated, modern methods and found that we always got the same reproducible result. The role of micronutrients in medicine is underestimated. Dr. Podbielski adopted a completely different concept of treatment: not the treatment of individual elements of the living organism, but the whole person... " But I must emphasize that these preparations are not classical medicines, that is, they do not act on a specific disease unit. They just act on the whole organism. I would rather call it a biogenic stimulant. Similar medicines are used abroad, however, the first in Poland to use (and I believe in the world) precisely cobalt salts for treatment was Dr. Podbielski..." (Quote Derived from the tape recording of a television broadcast, aired on December 11, 1983).

And later, Doc. Dr. Grabiec further said: "However, in our country, we still face serious resistance. Perhaps they are due to overly complicated, bureaucratic customs in registering drugs. Since, however, all of these preparations are already properly accepted in pharmacology, nothing stands in the way of introducing Dr. Podbielski's TP preparation into medicine as well."

When I talk to Dr. Podbielski today, he is still able to talk enthusiastically still about his preparation. But already with increasing resignation and reluctance about the bureaucracy that prevents him from taking that one final step toward full success, which would be TP registration. Meanwhile, people continue to come from all over Poland for the preparation. Also from abroad. The doctor and social worker from Miedzyrzecz patiently explains, explains... And nothing changes.

He recalls his great late ally, Professor Julian Alexandrovich. It was he who wrote in one of his works on the borderline between medicine and philosophy: " We know quite a lot about the fate of medical discoveries, if only from anecdotal accounts of the history of medicine. We know how many discoveries medicine owes to non-doctors, how many discoveries made by some doctors others destroyed or delayed their implementation in practice..." This is demonstrated, among other things, by the case of Dr. Podbielski.

Podbielski now says to me modestly that he believes in the Rakovsky government.

Bronislaw Slomka

Elements of Life, 1989.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm

Elements of life


The essence of prevention is to anticipate tomorrow's consequences of yesterday's actions
Julian Alexandrovich

The truth is that for 40 years no one from the scientific world has taken an interest in his preparation, which has returned strength to thousands of people. No one but the sick, often sentenced to death by official ruling.


An old, white-plastered tenement in the middle of the city. Lines of cars with registrations from different provinces are already lined up at the gate late at night. People from all over the world also come and call. They wait for hours, because this small city-town does not have its own hotel in the center, nor a place to comfortably wait out the morning. The nearest inn is 5 kilometers away, on Lake Deep, but not everyone knows about it.

The lecture takes place at noon. In the small basement of Dr. Podbielski's house.
The doctor enters through an entrance that leads directly from the apartment. He is accompanied by his family. He brings in boxes of ointments and micronutrients.

- It is not a preparation for a disease," he begins. - You still have to be under the control and care of the attending physicians. Do what they tell you to do. My Wednesday is just an enhancement of treatment. It accelerates the healing of wounds after major surgeries, improves appetite, digestion, bowel movements, circulation, regulates the nervous system, speeds up recovery, the increase in hemoglobin ensures oxygenation of the body. Provided one is a non-smoker.

Lots of patients have been coming here for many years. Joanna Czubinska from Skwierzyna unwaveringly and blindly believes in the doctor's miracle-working power. Ever since her sister developed a tumor on her brain. Doctors gave her a month to live. Ms. Joanna began to pour the preparation into her. That was two years ago and her sister, though bedridden, is alive.

So she started giving drops to the whole family. It so happened that both of her sons-in-law, being pregnant, got anemia. The micronutrients restored their "good" blood within a few weeks.

Tadeusz Polopczyk from Rawicz has been ill for nine years. Inflammation of the salivary glands and lymph nodes ended with radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. He has been using Tp-1 and Tp-2 all this time, and doctors were surprised that his convalescence was going so smoothly. However, he didn't admit that he was sto suing micronutrients.
The boy on crutches rises. He walks towards the doctor. He is about 20 years old.

- It was an accident. Three years ago I was hit by a motorcycle in a wheelchair. Open fracture of the right leg in the lower leg. Six months I lay in a cast, and after tem they took to surgery. In a hospital in Kalisz they screwed in metal plates and did a graft. I walked for about two months, and then never again.
- Stroked, often stroked. Lightly, with your fingertips, as if you were playing the piano. Well, and lubricate, most Tp-2. The doctor's hands move in the air along the fracture. He does not touch the leg. - I feel lightness, freedom, something pulls the leg down.... - In two months you will come with better results.

There are two preparations, Tp-1 and Tp-2, and they differ in concentration.

[Information outdated - the preparation is now only one TP2. All current information and order form are at]

- It doesn't interfere with doctors," the doctor reminds us, "it only assists.

Where there is no time, where every hour is important already after 3-4 days one switches to Tp-2. In addition to systematic drinking it can still be used to make poultices for painful areas, gargles for sore throat, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, ulceration, erosion, myomas, as well as inhalations and lubrication, first strong, intense, and then light, gentle. - Harrises we can all be - these words evoke absolute silence. - We just need to know how to take care of our health.


It started right after the war. The Provincial Veterinary Office from Poznań commissioned him to organize a veterinary service in Miedzyrzecz.

Immediately at the beginning, he noticed that in some localities, despite the fertile grasslands, the cattle looked lousy. All the means available at the time to improve its condition were ineffective, and even worsened the condition. He took samples of soil, straw and grass and sent them to the Institute of Soil Science and Fertilization in Poznan. After just two weeks, the mystery was solved. The soil lacked cobalt, copper and magnesium.
On his own, he obtained the ingredients to make the preparation. The result was a patent, the "doctor's secret" filed and forgotten forever in the Patent Office.

First, he administered micronutrients to animals suffering from skin warts. The effects were surprising. Within days, the overall condition improved. And then he wondered if micronutrients could be just as effective for humans.

- He tried it on himself," says his wife, Sophia Podbielska. - Every day after a drop, then .a teaspoon. I tell him, Tadziu if something should happen to you, I have to be with you. I drank the remedy with him.


After several years, Podbielski stood trial. And it was caused by an article by Józefa Radzyminska, who wrote in a magazine intended for the Polish community abroad: "Thousands of people owe him their health and lives." There was no need for more, because our law does not allow people without credentials to practice medicine. The accused defended himself, without the help of a lawyer. Dozens of witnesses were interviewed. Those cured, against whom medicine proved helpless. More than a thousand letters of thanks were found with him. Walking their trail did not show that he had harmed anyone. Nevertheless, the justification for the acquittal sounded ambiguous.


The Międzyrzecz medical community generally treats Podbielski's preparation with a pinch of salt. It does no harm, but it can't help much either. When asked for their opinion, doctors unanimously claim that they do not personally know a patient who has been cured thanks to the vet's drops, nor do they know one who would be harmed by them. Aleksander Zielonka, director of the Międzyrzecz ZOZ and at the same time a national specialist in health organization, describes himself as a friend of Dr. Podbielski. Although he himself is in the company that promotes a return to natural methods of taking care of one's own health, he doesn't believe too much in the doctor's micronutrients.

As a doctor, he knows that there are forms of cancer that result entirely precisely from a deficiency of
micronutrients. With regular supplementation, the symptoms of the disease can disappear, which does not mean that the cancer has been thrown out of the body. Tp-1, Tp-2 preparations are great as a supplement to treatment.


Not much can be said about Dr. Podbielski's preparation from a scientific point of view. To date, no Polish scientific institution has thoroughly studied it. Despite the fact that this phenomenon has been talked about for more than 40 years.

In 1976, the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Institute of Oncology of Warsaw issued: a ruling:
Having reviewed the material on micronutrients for oncological diseases, it is concluded that nothing more can be said on the basis of these data about the effects of these substances on the animal and human bodies (....) One can draw the conclusion that cobalt salts (cobalt chloride) have an effect on simple oxidation reactions, they act similarly to an enzyme (...) Creating a precedent (the use of these substances in the clinic) giving, in a sense, "scientific support" for the activities of Dr. Podbielski would open the way for similar cases... Signed by Doctors. med. jozef Zborzil, Zbigniew Wronkowski and Piotr Siedlecki.

Dr. Podbielski is not giving up. He will admit it himself that he is not a scientist, an expert, but over these many years he has read so much on the subject, performed so much on his own and on his own skin to benefits, that he cannot be treated as a layman.

In conjunction with the Medical Academy in Warsaw and the Polish Academy of Sciences, he is conducting experiments on the effects of elements on pathogenic bacteria. The work is extensive, supported by scientific evidence, but has been unpublishable for many years. Je dyna, a fairly complete analysis of the chemical composition of Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations was conducted by the American Whiterberg University in 1976.

Dr. Podbielski was also invited 30 years ago to the Oncology Clinic in Gliwice. The director there was bullishly surprised that his patient ki, whose hopeless condition he remembered, came forward whole and healthy after several years, those years gained by the invigorating effects of micronutrients. The doctor's visit to Gliwice was to be the start of research on mice. It had been three decades since he got an answer.

"The Peasant Way" last September (No. 36) posted the opinions of two scientists from the Biophysics and Biochemistry Laboratory of the Institute of Parasitology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Professor Wanda Barbara Borzemska conducted research on sick hens, which, from a veterinary point of view, should have been eradicated. - After the hens were given Podbielski's preparation," she says, "unusually traits were revealed in chicks hatched from the eggs of sick hens. A number of pathological conditions disappeared, primarily skeletal deformities.


- My preparation could have been available in pharmacies for decades," believes Dr. Podbielski. - All my struggle has been in vain. After all, I don't demand for myself, and so I live a long time. With today's state of the environment, irrational and inadequate nutrition, micronutrients are essential for the body. After many years of experience, I arrived at the ideal composition myself. No one wanted to help me with this. Tp-1 and Tp-2 contain, among other things, salts of cobalt, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and many other elements. It is a set of microsols. I get the necessary ingredients from the chemical headquarters, although often with great difficulty. The subjunctive effect is that vitamin B12 is or with cobalt molecules, which enriches it, which in turn strengthens the body's defenses.

The name for the preparation was invented by a journalist, also a patient of Tadeusz Pod bielski. He titled his article "It helps." And so it has remained. Although malicious people associate the name with the initials of the doctor.

Recently in the West, homeopathic treatments with doses of mineral salts and metals have been described as a fanatical fad. Even special pharmacological companies have been established to deal with this area alone. Not only cobalt alone, but also copper, mag nez, iron and even gold are being ingested, and with good results.

In Poland, unconventional methods of treatment are still being pulled up under the common denominator of quackery and charlatanry.

The case of veterinarian Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski of Miedzyrzecz is a prime example of the ineffective fight against bureaucracy in our country.


Let him heal, 1991.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm

Saturday, June 22, 1991
Polar Star
Let him heal

Original article at the bottom.

This is the story of a man who has devoted forty years of his life to helping sick people on whom official medicine has often put a cross. This, too, is a story of how an all-powerful bureaucracy tied to established patterns of thinking can nullify someone's many years of effort and condemn them to environmental ostracism.

He has been written about many times - not always in a thoughtful and responsible manner. Printed - years ago - in "Gazeta Zielonogorska" the article "Who are you Dr. P", whose author did not keep his word and revealed the name and address of the hero of the publication caused that the house of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski in Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski began to be besieged by crowds. Heavily ill people stood at the doors and windows day and night, begging for help. The micronutrient preparations applied by Dr. Podbielski not only brought him fame, but also brought him serious trouble. One day - it was just twenty-five years ago - a police team showed up at his apartment. They seized more than a thousand letters of thanks from patients, as well as Dr. Podbielski's thick briefcase with his personal notes

For several months, the prosecutor and MO officers went out of their skins to find evidence in the pile of correspondence and other records that a provincial veterinarian, helping people selflessly (he charged only for the preparation), had harmed his patients, which would make it possible to bring him to justice. Such evidence was lacking. Nonetheless, the prosecutor drew up an indictment, initiating a series of trials against the "knower", whom he imposed that he was practicing his business without the authority provided by the Law on the Medical Profession `. Fortunately, the courts have shown much more common sense and ordinary human sensitivity in this case. Decisions were made acquitting the accused and discontinuing the proceedings against him.

What remains to this day for Dr. Podbielski is mainly the gratitude of patients and the support of enthusiasts like him from the medical community. For the Ministry of Health, for the experts on the Drug Commission, he remains only a :senile stubborn horse man" - as one ministry official was kind enough to put it in a private conversation with a reporter seven years ago. This is how the man who received an official patent in 1977 for his micronutrient preparations described as a biogenic stimulant was treated for many years and continues to use them today for the benefit of patients.
Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's great adventure with micronutrients, and later the passion of his life, began after World War II. He had a beautiful occupation record at the time, helping prisoners of war escape from the camps.

In 1945, as. a veterinarian, he was posted to the Western Territories to organize the state veterinary service there. The district was a vast 70 kilometers from north to south and 30 from east to west. People were drawn here from all parts of Poland.
He soon observed a strange and disturbing thing at the same time: in some villages the cattle did not want to eat even the beautiful grass, and in the winter, even though they were lying in hay up to their ears, they got thin and died of hunger. Elsewhere, for that matter, they devoured even the stumps and rotten rags. Many animals died, and the use of available remedies had no effect. To make matters worse, people were also getting sick in these areas. - It oppressed me," he mentioned years later. - I wondered how to prevent it. And then it occurred to me that the local soil must be lacking something.

In 1950, he took samples of soil, grass, hay and water. Tests conducted at the Institute of Cultivation and Fertilization in Poznan confirmed his suspicions. No cobalt was found in the samples provided, and other elements were also absent. This prompted Dr. Podbielski to administer copper preparations to the cattle, but the improvement was not satisfactory. He finally obtained cobalt - considered toxic at the time and not used in medical treatment. He tested the prepared solution on himself. He was seconded by his wife, a faithful companion in life and work. Just the right dose!

He started testing on animals. And lo and behold, a miracle happened. Horses, cows, pigs and sheep regained their appetite, gained weight, in the case of cows their milk yield improved significantly. At the same time, he observed that in homesteads where animals were ill, people also became infirm, children were retarded in their development. If the preparation helped animals, why shouldn't it help humans?

Two cases were decided; which he remembers exactly to this day. One day he went to the call of a farmer whose cow had broken her leg. Examining her, not for the first time, he confronted that the animal had very brittle bones - meaning the body lacked calcium and phosphorus. After making a "bandage" he looked into the apartment, where he saw a three-month-old sick child with wrinkles like an old man's, emaciated with fever, vomiting. His mother had long complained of severe headaches, and there was also constipation. The body was apparently poisoned; it lacked the ingredients necessary for proper metabolism. He said to himself: it's hard to risk-physician, and prescribed TP-1 micronutrients. The improvement in the health of the baby and mother was marked after just a few days, and, more importantly, proved to be permanent.

He then treated a military man's dog with micronutrients, who brought his female dog to him with the intention of putting her to sleep. She had a tumor on her nipple the size of a goose egg. Podbielski suggested waiting with the lethal injection, instead giving the wolf dog a dose of micronutrient preparation in water for a while. After a week, the dog "came to life," and the tumor visibly shrank. A section taken showed that it was a malignant tumor. It was then that the paramedics persuaded Dr. Podbielski to go to the seriously ill woman.

The entry in her hospital chart read: "Carcinoma Corporis Uteri" - cancer of the uterus. The woman no longer rose from her bed; she suffered sharp pains and moaned loudly. Previous radiation treatments had proved ineffective. Deeply moved by the misfortune, the veterinarian persuaded the household members to dissolve a certain dose of micronutrient preparation in the water given to the patient. After just three days of taking TP-1, the patient began to get up on her own, and the pains soon subsided. She was still alive - this is certain news, thoroughly verified 17 years, busily tending to the farm. As a veterinarian, he had no right to treat people. So he wanted to confront the matter with medicine, to legalize, his business. He hoped that he would be able to achieve his goal, since he did not profit from it. He only wanted what he had arrived at to serve humanity. But official medicine didn't flinch from extending a hand toward him.

He didn't know how to get the whole thing off the ground. Even his doctor-surgeon friend found the matter difficult. However, he helped reach the Institute of Oncology in Warsaw. - There the answer was," recalls Dr. Podbielski, "that they could not test on patients an agent that had not been tested on mice, rabbits, etc. And that's where it stood.

Then there was a real chance to break the impasse. The hopes associated with it were all the greater because there were more and more cases of recovery - after using the micronutrient preparation. Observations proved, for example, that the salts of trace elements prescribed by Dr. Podbielski had a beneficial effect on overall metabolism, proving helpful in anemia, gastrointestinal disorders and many other ailments. In the study "Beneficial results of micronutrients in animals and humans," he exhaustively documented and presented sixteen such cases. Official medicine, however, still rigorously defended the veterinarian's entry into territory reserved only for her.

And that's when the aforementioned shadow of a chance appeared. Since all cancer patients reporting to him, Dr. Podbielski - prescribing his preparations - absolutely ordered parallel treatment at the institute of oncology, sometimes even forced them to do so under the threat of refusing to provide micronutrients. (At that time, a second preparation, TP-2, stronger and enriched with more ingredients, had already been created) several patients from Gliwice, who had previously suspended therapy at the local Institute of Oncology, under the influence of the "quack" took it up again. The doctors to whom they reported could not hide their surprise. They were convinced that these patients were long dead (their files had been shelved). In turn, when they heard about the doctor from Miedzyrzecz taking micronutrients, they sent him a letter inviting him to cooperate. It was signed by the then director of the Oncology Department in Gliwice, Dr. J. S. Unfortunately, this time too it ended in nothing.

Although Podbielski was assured of support ("Please, doctor, do not convince us of your method; we are convinced of it by the example of our patients"), the matter soon came to a standstill, as it was recognized that the preparation needed to be thoroughly tested first, and the clinic had difficulties in obtaining cobalt, copper and iron salts in the so-called pure form. In turn, in the end, it turned out that suitable conditions were lacking for the study. A similar fiasco ended in cooperation with the Endocrinology Clinic of the Medical Academy in Lodz. where experiments were initially agreed to, but later abandoned.

From letters to Dr. Podbielski: "I received a set of Mr. Doctor's solutions last July from a friend with whom I lived in one room in a sanatorium...I was very seriously ill with heart disease and blood pressure. I had two strokes...I went through heart attacks several times, the ambulance took me to the hospital. I lay in the resuscitation room. Since I've been using TP-1 and TP-2 solutions, I haven't had a single heart attack, and my blood pressure remains normal."

"It has been a long time since I visited the Doctor with my husband and cousin. We are taking the formula and there are already big improvements in our health, which we are very happy about. We also drink nettle and oat straw, which contain natural cobalt. Being at Mr. Doctor's and seeing what processions of sick people haunt you, we had tears in our eyes. You are a noble man and do so much good for the sick people who need your help." (correspondence from Canada).

From the justification of the verdict of the Provincial Court in the case of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski, accused of using unauthorized paramedical practices in violation of the law on the medical profession - a verdict by which the court dismissed the prosecutor's review of the earlier ruling of the district court, discontinuing the proceedings. In an era when there are still no reliable and effective anti-cancer agents, and the agent in question has not yet been legalized - it helps, the provincial court does not find the defendant guilty, despite the lack of medical authorization... In discontinuing the proceedings, the first instance court was guided by, among other things. that the accused acted disinterestedly, not demanding payment for the preparations used, that he was guided by humanitarian motives, believing that the drugs he used bring relief to people, for which he had evidence in the form of numerous letters of thanks from patients... The case of the use of micronutrients and their effect on the growth of tumors is open, and that there are grounds for scientific examination of the hypotheses of the veterinarian, T. Podbielski. If, in this situation, the micronutrients applied to the patients brought them relief (vide testimonies of witnesses and numerous letters of thanks, and even prescriptions issued by doctors for specifics produced by the accused....

If the treatment of these patients was supported by experiments on animals, then it is difficult to assume that the defendant's action contains such a degree of social danger that it requires his victimization. It is also difficult to agree with the assertion of the prosecutor's review that the high harmfulness of the defendant's act is due to the fact that the patients, using the means applied by T. Podbielski, avoided hospital treatment. The property of a sick person ... in addition, a cancer patient, is to protect his health by all means available to him. Since people who were incurably ill reported to the accused and obtained even a temporary improvement after using his remedy, it is difficult to assess the attitude of the accused as worthy of condemnation by criminal law.

This wise and far-sighted verdict, putting an end to the repression Dr. Podbielski had attempted to undergo, came in 1968.

So what, in fact, are - let's ask - Dr. Podbielski's micronutrients?

The simplest way would be to say that it is not a drug, but just a biogenic stimulant, which strengthens the body's defenses and has an inhibitory effect in the case of infections and viral diseases (with inoculative hepatitis, for example, the treatment takes an average of several weeks, while if it is combined with the administration of TP preparations, the period can be reduced to 10 - 14 days).

When Dr. Podbielski began using his preparations, watching as retarded children's teeth erupted, bone breakage reversed and they began to walk, he became convinced that he was dealing with a closed cycle: soil - fodder - cattle - food - human. Forty years separate him today from that moment. Years of hope, of hard work, during which he "hit the ground running" at numerous clinics and medical celebrities, soliciting comprehensive studies that could confirm the effectiveness of cobalt salts. Among other things, he proposed conducting them in areas where cobalt is deficient, to add it to table salt, as is done with iodine. He heard that research on iodine took 20 years....
Limited by nature, he undertook laboratory research at his own expense. The results indicated the effect of trace amounts of cobalt on prolonging the survival of mice loaded with spontaneous tumors. Mice given a cobalt salt solution did not lose weight and showed normal motility until the end of their lives. Other experiments indicated that Dr. Podbielski's preparations clearly affect oxido-reduction processes, a fuller blood supply and this "better" blood supply thanks to which the body's fight against the disease plaguing it becomes more effective.

Particularly noteworthy are the studies of the preparations of T. Podbielski undertaken years ago at the Department of Human Physiology of the Institute of Biological Sciences in Warsaw. During them, experiments were carried out on one hundred and fifty mice. Rodents that had previously been administered cobalt chloride - after isolation in tightly closed cages lived fourteen minutes, while the others lived only nine minutes.

In the early 1970s, Tadeusz Podbielski defended his doctoral thesis on micronutrients precisely at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Agricultural University in Wroclaw. However, this in no way facilitated his efforts to introduce his preparations into the arsenal of modern medicine. He is now reaching 90 years of age, which necessarily limits his activity. Still, to the best of his ability and strength, he tries to meet the needs of those who suffer.

The quirky and stubborn veterinarian from Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski, one of the most interesting and prominent figures in the history of Polish natural medicine - an indisputable thing, he helps people. This is evidenced by letters from patients notifying him of improvements in their health, which are not infrequently accompanied by clinical test results. Of course, this does not mean that TP preparations are "good for everything." No specific has been found, so far, to be a panacea for every disease. On the other hand, however, the fact remains that TP-1 and TP-2 have helped many patients. That's why it's regrettable that the battle for their official therapeutic certification, which has been bought with great effort, is still not over.


Polar Star Newspaper

Podbielski's life-giving medicine, 1992.

April 12, 2021 12:52 pm

Dziennik Polski and Dziennik Żołnierza


Podbielski's life-giving medicine

Photo of original article at the very bottom. 

The preparations Tp-1 and Tp-2, the invention of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski, have been the talk of Poland for a long time. This set of micronutrients, or trace elements, not found anywhere, turned out to be a revelation. It cures not a specific disease, but strengthens the defense forces of the entire organism, which thus fights diseases on its own, not excluding cancer. Just as noteworthy as the doctor's invention is himself and his wife, Sophie.

Tadeusz Podbielski, born in 1903, was born in Lomza, in a patriotic family of merit for Poland. He completed his veterinary studies at Warsaw University in 1931, his cadet school in Grudziądz, and his military service in the 3rd Artillery Regiment in Vilnius. He married Zofia Mogilnicka, also a Lomza resident and also a great patriot.

The Podbielskis settled in Kolno. In addition to his professional work, the doctor was passionate about social activities. In time, he became president of the Cooperative of Agricultural Wheels, vice-president of the Association of Polish Beekeeping and also joined the Board of .Dairy Cooperative, all in Kolno, whose products had a high brand name, butter was exported, among others, and to Great Britain.

In the second half of the 1930s, the cooperative decided to build a Dairy House - the district governor in Kolno, thanks to the intercession of the Podbielskis, came to the rescue and allocated 25,000 zlotys, a huge sum for the time. Meanwhile, the Kurpie people, a characterful nation, taking an example from their doctor, decided otherwise.

- We will erect the house on our own, and use the subsidies to rearm the army! The timing was opportune, as the war clouds were already thickening over Europe. At the end of August 1939 Tadeusz Podbielski received a mobilization card, with a referral to the 18th Infantry Division, which was part of the "Narew" Independent Operational Group. Not wanting to upset his wife, he concealed his military appointment. When the thing came to light, and it had to come out, excuses were made. Fact.

Not that Mrs. Zofia wanted to keep her husband, on the contrary, she resented the fact that he did not tell her, as a result of which she did not have time to prepare properly for the departure to the front. This is because Zofia Podbielska, faithful to family tradition, decided to go to war with her husband. Unbelievable, but that's what happened.
So they both went. Mrs. Zofia in a scout uniform as a nurse, and Mr. Tadeusz as a reserve second lieutenant, and they reported to their unit. Unfortunately, on September 13 the "Narew" Operational Group was defeated, but the Podbielskis - not the only ones, after all - did not capitulate. Having heard that General Franciszek Kleeberg was organizing" the Independent Operational Group , "Polesie" they broke through and joined this last great unit of the Polish Army.

Now the direction of the attack changed. Kleeberg rushed to the aid of Warsaw, and the Podbielskis passed the entire battle route of "Polesie" all the way to Wola Gułowska, where the general, after fighting the last battle of September, had to capitulate. "Only because," Mr. Tadeusz added, "we ran out of ammunition; I keep reminding you of this, because not every laying down of arms is an insult."

This time Podbielski did not escape captivity, while Mrs. Zofia escaped fortunately, which was decisive for both of them. For having learned that among the Kleeberians in Dęblin there was also her husband, after various adventures - in disguise - she got to the fortress and led her spouse out, under the eye of the Germans, but this is again a separate story.

Escaping arrest, the Germans were already detaining WP officers, they settled in the village of Lipa Miklas near Kozienice, in the Kielce region, where the post of veterinarian was vacant. In time, they established contacts with the Home Army and very close contacts with the Peasant Battalions, and this was because a friendship developed between the doctor and Antoni Lipiec, commander of the local BCh outpost, which found its emphatic expression-as it did in those years-in a joint action to free 20 Armenians from a POW camp near Głowaczów.

After the war of 1945, Mr. and Mrs. Podbielski moved to Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski, where the doctor organized the veterinary service in the district and where the invention of the preparation Tp-1 and Tp-2 took place, but this is again a separate story .

I regret that I cannot describe it, I will only mention that if it were not for Dr. Podbielski's character, his persistence and perseverance, his passion for serving the sick and the help of his spouse, we would not have this preparation. So what was it that Dr. Podbielski invented? To the elements known for their healing properties , trace elements such as magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and others, he added cobalt, more precisely - cobalt chloride, and 'so long, years, he perfected his discovery until he obtained such a composition of trace elements, which neither conventional nor unconventional medicine knew. And he modestly named his invention Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations.

The result exceeded expectations. And coincidence helped. Well, in the j area of Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski at the time when the doctor came there, animals-especially cattle-were sickly, I cows did not want to eat, despite the lush vegetation, they lost their hair, did not give milk, lost weight, and eventually died. What's more, residents of the Międzyrzecz area complained of lack of strength, hair loss and hair loss, lack of appetite, exhaustion and cancer.

The reason was one and the same - the lack of micronutrients in the soil, and since there were none in the soil, there could not be any in milk, butter, cottage cheese, meat, eggs either. This deficiency just led to a mineral imbalance in the body; similar effects are caused by soil chemistry, improper food storage and stress. How many of us, before realizing that the cause of his illness is a lack of micronutrients in the body reasons for getting sick look for the traditional view of causing infections. And he takes medicines that he doesn't need to take, because this not that disease and but those medicines, but that's something to know about.

"Micronutrients are essential components of organic compounds like enzymes, hormones, vitamins, dyes and others," stated Associate Professor Stanislaw Grabiec of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Institute of Parasitology of the Polish Academy of Sciences at a scientific symposium on the occasion of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's 85th birthday, "and participate in regulating indirect metabolism. Without micronutrients, life would be impossible. This is because due to a deficiency or excess of micronutrients there is a disturbance in metabolism namely - anemia bone disease caused by a deficiency of copper, cobalt, calcium, phosphorus or an excess of strontium; beryllium... ".

This truth was also confirmed by the experience of Professor Wanda Barbara Borzemska, also of the Polish Academy of Sciences, who obtained excellent results in treating bone deformities in chicks. After giving them Tp-2 preparation, a number of pathological conditions of ladders disappeared, mainly skeletal deformities. It was Mrs. Professor who called Dr. Podbielski's preparations life-giving drugs.

Above all, however, this truth was confirmed by the cures of hundreds of doomed patients due to various diseases including cancer; thousands of Dr. Podbielski's patients were restored to health by Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations, and tens of thousands were spared suffering and chronic diseases. 4 Dr. Podbielski's preparations were praised by another scientist, Professor Julian Aleksandrowicz, who maintained that $0 percent of cancer is environmentally determined.

Like any inventor, Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski also has opponents, although some of them, spreading accusations that Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations are nothing but ;combinations" of a number of micronutrients, secretly reach for these "combinations" and treat themselves and their loved ones with them. Effectively.

Who, by the way, was not a patient of Dr. Podbielski? He treated both Anna German after a car accident in Italy. Car accident in Italy, and Melchior Wańkowicz who . asked the doctor for two years to live so that he could finish writing "La Fontaine's Decanter"; and he survived more. Thousands of people suffering from the most diverse diseases are treated; not only from Poland.

Tadeusz Podbielski welcomes everyone. And he informs about the beneficial effects of Tp-1 and Tp-2 preparations. He also makes no secret of the fact that micronutrients are not a panacea for all ailments, and advises everyone to remain under the supervision of the attending physician. Smokers just don't indulge! Anyone who poisons himself with nicotine has nothing to look for in Mezzanine.

Thus Tadeusz Podbielski, a soldier of September 1939, the inventor of the preparation Tp-1 Tp-2 drug, which, by strengthening the body's defense forces, restores health, became a benefactor of the sick, bringing them the hope of recovery. A particularly salutary thing today, when the effects of the Chernobyl disaster cause dangerous cancer diseases not only for the living, but also for those yet to be born, not to mention the consequences of the ozone hole. We have definitely fallen on the wrong time to live in

Bronislaw Zycki



Landscape with double-header, 1975.

9 April 2021 15:17


Original article at the bottom.

THE THEME, taken up in Marta Wesolowska's reportage, is, to be sure, one of the so-called sensitive ones. It pertains to phenomena generally considered shameful - because they are ostensibly intended to testify to social unenlightenment - and condemned harshly by institutional medicine.

In addition, it is easy to plug it under a susceptible "wave of irrationalism" and servile "pluggers" will probably be found.

After all, lately in the so-called "public tracks" (in our country and around the world) we have been spotting quite a few stories in which the intertwining of truth and deception, science and charlatanry, is so convoluted that it is difficult to get an objective view. As a result, some believe everything uncritically - others disbelieve everything in advance, and both attitudes do not seem commendable.

Taking the position of an "impartial observer" (in quotation marks, because, after all, it is known how difficult it is to achieve full impartiality), I realize that this is not the most comfortable position, it exposes one to attacks from both sides, it can, besides, create the impression that the adopter ascribes to himself the right to judge anything. So I must emphasize that I am the farthest from that. I am only attempting - not for the first time - to point out at least two things: that there are still some facts unexplained, and that they should be interpreted with caution until they are investigated by the methods of science. I would appreciate it if you would stop telling me more.

After this unfortunately necessary digression, I return to the topic. Well, as is known,

n a c h o r s is one of the world's oldest professions. Today, in the last quarter of the twentieth century, at a time of unheard-of development of medicine and widespread, readily available free (at-us) health care - the success of quacks should arouse amazement. It is easy here, of course, to hurl thunderbolts, assume poses of rationalists, fighting superstition and darkness, ridicule people, naively trusting in someone's healing power.

Well, the very word "quack" arouses horror. It contains, in itself, a negative evaluation, is a value-laden term, as if it prejudges the issue.

In the Polish language, however, there is no other term for a man trying to do L u d z i with methods not accepted by science and especially - outside the framework of the institution set up for this purpose. Dr. P. is doing just that - after all, the effects of this work are socially positive and there are a number of people to whom he undeniably saved health and perhaps - life. To call Dr. P, a quack would be unfair and unauthorized. However, this is not just about the individual case of Dr. P. - it is about something more, and that is why it was necessary to take up the "sensitive" topic.

Here, in my opinion, is the general issue and worthy of serious consideration: why, precisely in an era of such spectacular successes of medicine and such wide dissemination of these successes, people are clamoring for quacks. Let's not oversimplify the task: they garner, and in increasing numbers, not only the uneducated, but precisely the highly educated.

In addition to the various reasons (and among them and certain properties, the human psyche in general, and various social conditions, and - however - also this "fashion for psychotronics") it is impossible to exclude one. Modern medicine, institutionalized health care neglects to cultivate certain values. It is increasingly sluggish, complicated, soulless machine for treating diseases, cases. This is the attitude of the organization, teaches not - all, if I may say, the technology of modern medical treatment. God forbid, I do not reprove the environment - it is simply that such mechanisms have been created by civilization t this is the case all over the world.

Doctors, recognized ~by patients as the best, are not only good specialists - they are usually also good people. They are also - sorry - a bit of "quacks" in a certain sense of the word. I submit that the time is coming when the medical community will have to reflect on these issues especially in view of the increasing "technicalization" of medicine t the impersonality of its face. The need to humanize medicine, moreover, is best seen by doctors themselves.

As for the specific case of Dr. P: well, his idea of helping an ailing organism with so-called "m i c r o e l e m e n t s" (i.e. elements found in the environment and in the body itself in trace amounts only) is not absurd. Other studies (conducted in Poland and around the world) have found a correlation between the lack of certain micronutrients (in the soil, food, etc.) and the occurrence and severity of certain diseases. This is a new, perhaps not yet completely justified, look at the etiology of not some diseases - and, as often things that are new, it meets resistance in some traditionally-minded (or perhaps more cautious) - scientific circles. Nevertheless, the issue seems worthy of attention.

It is difficult for me to comment on Dr. P.'s other methods (and their interpretations), although I also would not dismiss them too hastily without checking.

M. Wesolowska gave the reportage the title "Landscape with a two-headed calf" this two-headed calf, whose skull hangs in the Doctor's house, is a symbol of a kind of "two-headedness" and the Doctor himself and the people around him and perhaps many of us all. One head, rational, sensible, "official", cautious - while in the other head, which no one likes to reveal, superstition breeds, the reckless desire to believe in the possibility of "miraculous cures"....

No, there aren't many double-headers here! It is people who are sober and do not pretend to have eaten all their wits, who act in accordance with common sense, if there are patients for whom the Doctor's treatment after could, these are not any "miraculous" healings, but ordinary recoveries. This means that Doctor -P. is not cheating, but healing. It is simply the f a c t s that count. I don't argue about the percentage to which the "placebo principle" (i.e., the patient's belief in the action - of an inert agent), suggestion, trust in recovery is at work here - doctors know very well how positive effects this has in therapy. However, if there are a few certain recoveries from diseases considered incurable or extremely difficult to cure - I think it's high time for Dr. P.'s methods to be clinically tested. When it comes to health, I think one should forget about various resentments, professional pride or the environment's aversion to outsiders, and not at all overlook roads not paved.

It is difficult to prejudge whether the Doctor's medicines are indeed good, perhaps even that they can harm someone in specific cases (this is, in fact, mato probable - if this were the case, I think the prosecutor would intervene immediately).

It is clear that an important duty of the health service is to defend patients from fraudulent practices and to ensure that people's treatment is carried out in absolute accordance with the current state of medical knowledge. However, it's also hard not to notice that aversion to any ideas from outside the community, or from outside medical institutions, sometimes assumes exaggerated proportions. And, after all, it is something else to strictly control quackery, something else to check various ideas, hypotheses, medicines ¿ methods of the so-called "People's Medicine".

Doctors told me - we can't test everything that anyone thinks of, because we won't have enough time and resources for serious research. Scientific. Of course. No one demands to test everything", only those few things that have already worked to some extent. Perhaps, the result will be negative after all.

What if it turned out that at least a few people could just be helped by Dr. P.'s method?

Who will then accept responsibility that the research was abandoned?



Articles Landscape with double-header


The story of one friendship, 1964.

April 9, 2021 14:00

Peasant Way Newspaper

Far and near
The story of one friendship

Original article at the bottom.

"Who knows this doctor?" - under such a title appeared a few weeks ago in the "Peasant Way" a letter arriving from distant Georgia. A partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Sh. S. Babunashvili, was looking for a Polish citizen, a veterinarian, who in 1943 in the village of Lipa, somewhere near Radom, helped a group of 20 Soviet prisoners of war escape from Nazi captivity. Thanks to this escape, they managed to organize themselves into a partisan group, cooperating with Polish partisans on the territory of our country. The author of the letter commanded it. "On behalf of those partisans from our group who remained alive," wrote Sh. S. Babunashvili, "I ask for help in finding this man, so that on the 20th anniversary of the Polish People's Republic we can express our deep gratitude and thanks to him. This gratitude was also expressed by the author of the letter to all Polish citizens who took part in the release of the prisoners of war and who helped them daily throughout their stay on Polish territory.

Footprint captured

The wounds inflicted by the hand of the occupying forces on the land of Radom and Kozienice have long since healed. Murdered villages have risen from ashes and rubble. The mutilated landscape was reborn. But time has not erased in human memory the experiences and memories associated with the hard years of occupation. People whose events, perhaps for a moment, were bound together to death.

A few days after the letter was published, we received a phone call. The caller was Antoni Lipiec from Glowaczow, in Kozienice district, vice president of the local GS. He announced that he was one of the three people who at one time took a direct part in organizing the escape of the Lipiec POWs mentioned in the letter. He gave the names of the others. The wanted veterinarian is Tadeusz Podbielski, currently living and working in Miedzyrzecz Wielkopolski. His wife's name is Zofia. The guide of the fleeing group was Piotr Mikos. He lives in Radom. He is the manager of a tile factory.

After this proclamation to a friendly call from faraway Georgia, we set off on the captured trail. In the memory of the author of the letter some details of the escape have faded, but the essence of the facts has remained unchanged. We are recreating them today on the basis of the accounts of the living participants in this daring enterprise, which was the escape of 20 Georgians from Liegenschaft Lipa.

Scribe and partisan

Truppen Ubungsplatz Mitte - this was the code name the Nazis gave to the area between the Vistula River and the Warka - Radom railroad line. Already in November 1940, peasants were completely displaced from here. The following year, several model land estates were established on the outskirts of this "central training ground" under German administration. One of these was the Liegenschaft in Lipa. Displaced peasants were allowed to return here, but only as farm laborers. Antoni Lipiec, who was stripped of his 4-acre farm, wandered outside the area for some time. When he found himself in the ranks of the underground organization, he was ordered by the organization to return to Lipiec and "bolt" for any work on the estate. Lipa managed to get a job as an assistant accountant, who was a Nazi named Klim. To the German management, Lipiec was thus an acerbic junior clerk - Herr Lipiec. In the underground, on the other hand, he was known as "Zygand" - a BCh district inspector. He kept store records, had access to the files of those employed - and conducted inspections of the training of forest troops, agitation and recruitment to the ranks of the BCh. Many of the young men employed at the estate owed him their absence from the list of those deported for labor deep into the Great Reich.

He contacted veterinary doctor Podbielski. The doctor, in great demand as a veterinarian, remained "Lomza" to insiders. He was a living newspaper. Through him, news spread that kept spirits up or signaled the occupier's dangerous moves for the area.

As time passed and the war prolonged, it became increasingly difficult for the Liegenschaft to perform its economic functions in an exemplary manner. In the Kozienicka Forest, BCh boys increasingly came to the fore. They even dared to attack Nazi property. So the Liegenschaft Lipa also received protection in the form of two dozen sentries. The armed crew changed frequently. Those who warmed up a bit left, handing over the post to others. One could not trust too much these foreign people, who now, in hard times for Hitlerism, had to be entrusted with guarding German property. And one had to, because the front was crackling and Herrenvolk was dwindling. A salutary wind was already blowing from above the Volga. With Paulus' army buried at the gates of Stalingrau, the hopes of the conquered grew. The oppressed were raising their heads. Liegenschft Lipa worked and listened.

Basin of Disappearing

The Kozienice Forest and its riverside environs were the specters of other shocking facts, still indelible in the memory of the residents of the former Ubungsplatz Mitte. Here, in the summer of 1941, uniforms the color of feldgrad swarmed. Here the enemy forces concentrated their divisions for the assault on the Land of the Radium. Here later, hosts of starved and shabby Soviet prisoners of war worked to erect new buildings and develop the land for the organized Liegenschafts. No one will count those who laid their bones in this land, on which rye later hummed. About 200,000 Soviet soldiers of various nationalities passed through Frontstalag 307 in the not-too-distant city of Deblin, ranked as one of Poland's largest prisoner-of-war camps. Nearly half of them stayed there forever. They were laid to rest for any offense by salvos of firing squads, devastated by disease and starvation. People were likened to living skeletons. In this vast mass of misery, the enemy carried off not only bodies, but also sought to break souls. He shattered POW solidarity and unity. With hunger and terror, he sought to make the captives a slow tool in his hand for his unholy purposes.

Postwar literature has already partially conveyed the enormity of these crimes committed against people who were supposed to be protected as prisoners of war by international convention. Soviet writer J. M. Korolkov, in his novel "Through Forty Deaths," presented a shocking picture of Nazi perfidy, and at the same time paid tribute to those who showed greatness of character during the inhuman ordeal. He described the heroic story of the illustrious Tatar poet Musa Djalil, organizer of the uprising in the Tatar battalion in Jedlnia. From Lipa it is not far to Jedlnia. Its residents remember that camp of Mohammedan legionaries, formed on the orders of the ideologue of Hitlerism Rosenberg. This camp was closely guarded by German field police.

And one didn't keep track.

The perverse enemy tried to enslave some of the defeated to act with arms against their homeland, while forcing others to serve in paramilitary units in the rear. During the period in question, the partisan movement in the Kozienicka Forest region was gaining strength. Contacts of underground units even reached beyond the wires of prisoner-of-war camps. Leaflets in Polish, Russian and German were smuggled in, and maps were provided. Many Soviet prisoners of war volunteered to serve in the rear in the hope of seizing the first opportunity to confuse the Germans' vigilance and find themselves in the ranks of those fighting for the common cause.

Last change of guard

One spring day, a new detachment of 20 raven-haired men took up guard over Liegenschaft Lipa. They were vigilantly supervised by Feldfebel Rose, a civilian lawyer with the grandiose manners but venomous habits of a soldier. The estranged mother, having lost two sons on the Ostfront, managed to "settle" the third in quiet service, away from the swish of bullets. The Feldfebel carefully watched the course of duty performed by the black-haired Georgian. He kept a handy store of weapons under lock and key, and made sure that the shift coming off duty immediately handed in rifles and segregated cartridges. The Georgians were quiet. They hummed occasional longing songs. But they were distrustful and secretive. Feldfebel Rose looked after the shifts at the posts, at the stacks, at the warehouses, at the barn. Accountant Klim calmly added up the farm accounts.

Soon official relations between the Georgians and the Poles employed at the estate warmed considerably. The sentinels' tongues were loosening. Dr. Podbielski and his Russian-speaking wife learned closer details about the fate of the group, which in the fall of 1942 was taken prisoner during the fighting on the Kerch peninsula. One of the captives Tamaz Kunchulia was from Batumi on the Black Sea. He was a naval officer. After the sinking of the ship, he was still fighting on land. One of the youngest of the group was the lively and mobile, though full of dignity, Sh. S. Babunashvili. It is not known when the threads of sincere trust were forged between him and the Podbielskis. The doctor's wife, Mrs. Sophia, knew Georgia from the stories of her father, who stayed there years ago. That's probably where the affection came from. They began to show kindness to the Georgians and the peasants, who had never experienced any unpleasantness on their part. Slowly things matured to their successful conclusion. The Georgians did not taili before their friends the thought of fleeing. Before they found themselves here, they underwent torments where the sand was gnawed by 40,000 of their comrades-in-arms in the Goryn POW camp.

One day Babunashvili even obsequiously gabbed Podbielsky: "Give a guide so we can go to the world." The doctor took action. He turned to "Zygand" to pass on where needed, that "Lomza" had people about to metastasize. "Zygand" dropped the news in the wilderness. After a week, he receipts the doctor to complete the task. That day and that day, there will be someone standing under the forest with yellow flowers in his hand. Let one of the Georgians go to meet him at this and that hour holding yellow flowers in his hand as well. That someone will throw the slogan "Tbilisi" to the person passing by. The Georgian should give the response "Batumi". The man. With whom this meeting took place was Piotr Mikos - the head of the BCh diversionary group - "Ptak". The technique of escape was discussed to the smallest detail. Dr. Podbielski arranged with Babunashvili the entire scenario of the dangerous undertaking so as not to endanger the Polish employees of the estate. Everything was to happen during a dinner at the manor, the date of which would be communicated to all insiders in the plot.

A memorable supper

Dr. Podbielski created the opportunity himself. By virtue of his profession and his function at the estate, he reported the need to slaughter "sick" non-horns. Such an opportunity was only awaited by members of the German estate's management. The pig-slaughtering ceremony was already one of the time-honored events in the boring life in Liegenschaft Lipa. A hog was made. The giblets and giblets smoked in the roasting pans.
Dinner began at dusk. It was then September 1943. The revelers gathered in the dining room. The place of honor was taken by the German administrator of the estate. On his left hand sat the accountant Herr Klim, on his right feldfebel Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Podbielski, the administrator's children and the foremen took their places. In all, more than a dozen people. A cracking decanter of frontal moonshine went in a circle. And suddenly, just as the temperature of the arranged dinner reached its warming heights, there was a short and rapid rumbling at the door, which immediately opened with a slam. On the threshold stood Babunashvili with an automatic in his hand. Briefly and sharply his voice rang out: "Ruki w wierch!" The revelers, with their hands raised, obediently lined up in a row facing the wall as the next order demanded. The hall filled with armed Georgians. One of them approached the first of the administrators to tie his hands behind his back. To carry out this operation more easily, he held the automaton with his knees. Feldfebel Rose took advantage of the moment of inattention. He rolled up, gave a dive between those standing, splashed into the open door to the other room, and from there through the window into the park. A moment later, several rapid shots rang out outside. What Feldfebel Rose didn't expect was that the entire house had been cased. The escape attempt was eliminated.

The shots were not to the liking of the fugitives. They posed the danger of prematurely alerting the gendarmerie, whose volatile patrols often haunted Linden. Haste dictated another solution. It was to lock everyone in the basement. The order not to leave the room on pain of death was followed. At one point, Babunashvili, as if he remembered something; he ran up to Dr. Podbielski and, without sparing him excuses, kicked him with such force that he collapsed on the couch. This happened in front of the frightened Herr Klim. The last point of the directed spectacle came to an end. The Georgians slamming the door ran outside. A broken telephone dangled pitifully in the hall. Feldfebel Rose's handy ammunition storeroom was ringing empty. Mazynava weapons were seized by the fugitives.

Beyond the Vistula into the unknown

Jumping out of the building, they reached a horse-drawn wagon. On it lay loaded heavy weapons, provisions for the road and some uniforms. They moved in a row behind the creaking cart. It was already night. Nearby "Zygand" was waiting for them. When they passed the manor buildings, "Ptak" took over from "Zygand". From now on, he was responsible for the safety of the people who trusted him and their happy leading to the saving river. Forty kilometers they traveled in two nights. During the day they sank into the woods. They were led by "Bird" to the Vistula River, somewhere opposite Janowiec. They burdened themselves with valuable equipment taken from the wagon. The agreed carrier ferried everyone one by one to the other bank. On it, someone from the Lublin BCh, who had been designated for the action, was already waiting. They put themselves under his care and set off in the direction of the Parczew woods.

It was only hours after the accident in Linden that the gendarmerie was notified. A meticulous investigation found no culprits. The testimony of the accountant Klim, the testimony of a reliable German about Babunashvili's battering of Dr. Podbielski, removed the burden of suspicion from the organizer of the escape. Life in Liegenschaft Lipa went on its beaten track. A German guard had already taken up watch over the non-German property. Two weeks after the escape, "Zygand" delivered a clumsily written note in Russian to the Podbielskis: "Proszli. Alive and well. Send priwiet. B."

Memory does not perish

He lives again in his hometown of Lipa, Antoni Lipiec - "Zygand" - who donates his skills to the developing Community Cooperative in nearby Głowaczów. Piotr Mikos - "Ptak" - makes sure that the best possible tiles come out of the Radom plant he manages for the benefit of the peasants under construction. There is no more Ubungsplatz Mitte area. There are no more Liegenschafts. Since 1945, Dr. Podbielski has settled in the Western Territories, precisely in Lubuska Land, in the old Polish town of Miedzyrzecz. He is a respected professional and a widely respected man. He lives in the same house on Staszica Street where he stayed nineteen years ago for his first overnight stay in the city, and where he assembled an old bicycle the day after his arrival to set it off in the field and fulfill the task he had been given. Since then he has been providing veterinary care for the property of the Międzyrzecz district.

She enjoys the comforts of home. Ms. Zofia does community work for the Polish Social Welfare Committee. She is a councilor of the MRN. Her passion for social work has followed her since she was young, since she was the commander of a scout troop in Lomza. She met her husband there, and that's where his nickname, which he used during his time in Liegenschaft Lipa, originated.

When I visited this esteemed married couple, following in the footsteps of Sh. S. Babunashvili's letter, I didn't think I would find living proof of those threads that connected real people with real people. I was shown an easel with a heartfelt entry in Russian, whose author was Tamaz Kunchulia, that Georgian from Batumi. What are his words about? Precisely about the friendship forged between those who did not lose their human dignity, and valiantly resisted the madness of barbarians, that such friendship never dies. And hence the friendly call from faraway Georgia in search of a druid, hence the response of druids who value such friendship higher than gold.


The escape reported above was not an isolated fact. Historical materials from the area prove that in the Kozienicka Forest there was organized cooperation between local BCh outposts and Soviet prisoners of war . They established contacts with them and enabled them to leave the forest. At the end of March 1943, the first group of 10 Tatars escaped with full armament from the Jedlnia camp. A second group, also from Jedlnia, numbering 50 people, also armed, escaped in May. This group, thanks to contact with the BCh, eluded pursuit. At the end of June, 150 Soviet prisoners of war in Kruszyn were released with weapons in hand. And further: at the beginning of July - 30 POWs from Wierzchowina; on July 26 - 27 POWs from Grachovka; on July 29 - 12 Tatars from Swierże Górne (these joined the BCh unit under the command of "Biloff"). The escape of the Georgians from Lipa was the last. The guide of the 4 prisoner-of-war groups that escaped from Kruszyna, Wierzchowina, Grachówka and Lipa - was Piotr Mikos. The Soviet staff conspirated in the POW camp, which inspired these escapes, also managed to get out.

P.S. Even after writing this article, we were notified by Dr. Podbielski that on July 8 he received a heartfelt letter from his Georgian friend. He forwarded the letter to our editorial office.

Here are its excerpts:

"Today is a day of joy for me. I often think of you," writes Sh. S. Babunashvili, "and recall our meetings. The comrades who, thanks to you, were able to escape with me and who remained alive, remember you with gratitude and your heroic, risky act of organizing the escape of our group. We were very worried about your further fate. After all, the Germans, at the slightest suspicion of your participation in the killing of a German officer, would not spare you....

After we escaped, we stayed for some time in the forests of Lusk and Parczew and often fought battles with the Germans. Local Polish citizens always informed us about the raids that the Germans often organized to capture our group. After crossing the Bug River, we joined Soviet partisan units operating in the Brest region. In 1944 I was seriously wounded and taken to Moscow to a hospital....

I would like to ask you very much to pass on the expressions of remembrance and gratitude of our group. You have introduced me to this comrade. Please also pass on our warm thanks to that carrier who ferried us across the Vistula River. We would also like to thank all the members of the underground organization and the participants of the dinner organized to make our escape possible.

Give me, please, your home phone number and the time when you can be called. My home phone: 7-3-66.

With great respect and cordiality - Shalva Babunashvili.

If you agree to come to us, I am ready to approach your Embassy in Moscow to settle the matter."

Vladimir Olszewski