
Iron - an element you can't do without

When listing the micronutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body, iron is the one that is most often put in the first and well-deserved place. It belongs to one of the so-called "minerals of life" that contribute most to keeping human health in good condition. The term was coined and spread by Professor of Medical Sciences Julian Aleksandrowicz.

Iron in the body is primarily part of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. But where does it come from? As with other micronutrients, iron is the element that is supplied in the greatest amount in food. It is present in both meat and plant products. As for the iron requirement itself, it depends on age, gender and physical condition.

Iron in the blood - what is it responsible for?

The role played by iron in the body cannot be overestimated. What exactly is it responsible for? As far as the blood itself is concerned, hemoglobin containing this element enters the lungs, where it binds oxygen molecules, allowing them to be further distributed throughout the body. This is a crucial process not only for health, but also for life.

Iron in the blood at low levels can lead to a number of conditions, one of the most common of which is anemia. Untreated, it has very unpleasant health consequences that can even result in organ failure.

Importantly, iron content in the blood is affected by various factors. It can be flushed out of it due to the consumption of inappropriate substances in excess. These include popular drinks such as coffee and tea, which contain caffeine, theine, tannins and phytates. These make the iron absorbed from food much harder for the human body to absorb.

Iron in the body supplied in zoonotic foods

Iron is an element that, in the form of food, can be divided into two types. We are talking about heme iron and non-heme iron. The former is of animal origin, supplied to the body in the form of meat meals. It is characterized by the fact that it is more easily absorbed than its non-heme, plant-based counterpart.

In which zoonotic products can you find iron in the highest amounts? First of all, in red meat, but also in poultry, fish and seafood. Offal, such as liver, is also an excellent source of this element.

Foods with zoonotic ingredients that contain iron are not just meat. Chicken egg yolks should also be among the products to include additionally in your diet.

Does the easier absorption of iron in animal products mean that non-meat eaters will suffer from iron deficiencies? Not necessarily. There are many plant-based products that are able to make up for deficiencies, although it is more difficult.

Iron and a meatless diet - what should I consume?

Fortunately for vegetarians, iron is an element that is also found abundantly in plant products. It is available in similar amounts, but at the same time the human body is less able to absorb it. In the case of heme iron, absorption is about 20%, while with non-heme iron it is only 5%.

The best way to ensure your body's iron with plant-based products is to bet on legumes. Grains such as lentils, soybeans and chickpeas provide the best results.

Oatmeal, millet, and brassica vegetables, especially sauerkraut, are also excellent sources of iron. Other plants worth including in the diet are nuts of various kinds, as well as broccoli, beets, beet, cress and pumpkin seeds. Lovers of sweeter flavors should especially include dried fruits such as apricots, raisins and prunes in their diet. Blueberries should not be denied either.

Iron is also present in wholemeal products. Whole-grain cereals have three times as much of this element as baked goods made with white flour.

Iron - health properties

There are many processes in the body that are affected by this element. Iron in the blood and its role in oxygen transport is not the only thing that supports our health. All the more reason to make sure that the level of this micronutrient is always within the appropriate norms.

Iron has a protective use , directly affecting the proper functioning of the immune system. As a result, it limits the spread of infections. It also has an effect on the nervous system, where it is responsible for keeping intellectual functions at a high level.

Iron also affects the condition of the skin and prevents premature aging. It also has detoxifying properties and helps the liver get rid of toxins. One of the most important features of iron is also that it is an antioxidant. As a result, it helps the body fight free radicals, thus reducing the risk of developing cancer and aiding in the treatment of cancer.

Iron deficiency testing

Symptoms associated with insufficient iron in the body are quite noticeable. These include pale skin, weakness, lethargy, nosebleeds, a decrease in overall immunity, increased brittleness of nails, hair loss, impaired concentration, and abnormal heart rhythms.

If you observe the above complaints, it is worthwhile to test for iron. Adequate early detection of deficiencies and appropriate micronutrient supplementation will allow you to quickly get rid of most symptoms.

Iron and the use of supplements. When is it worth it?

There are many reasons why you should think about providing your body with an additional source of iron. Among other things, it is recommended when there is heavy bleeding, which can include menstruation. Blood loss is always a blow to health, so iron in the body should also be supplemented by blood donors.

As with other micronutrients, people with active lifestyles are at particularly high risk of deficiency due to their greater need for such elements. In this case, iron will increase respiratory capacity and facilitate exercise.

Iron can also be taken in addition during pregnancy. Women in this state definitely need more of it to ensure the safety of both themselves and the baby.

Iron - a study of the TP2 preparation of Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski

Iron is an element that is a very important component of the TP2 formula offered by our foundation. Its beneficial effect resulting in strengthening the immune system and helping to fight cancer is due to its carefully selected, tested composition.

It contains not only iron, but also other micronutrients that are extremely important for health. These are cobalt, zinc, magnesium and the element copper. They are a balanced combination that complements each other and allows you to experience the full extent of their positive properties.

We have prepared articles and studies from which you can learn more about the various components of the natural TP2 formula. We encourage you to read materials on what products contain zinc and what properties it has, what magnesium and copper help. And also check out what uses cobalt has.

We also encourage you to contact us directly. We will be happy to answer all questions related to Dr. Tadeusz Podbielski's TP2 formulation.